
明るい光から bright light, from : Bell., lyss., nux-v., op., Stram.
あくび yawning : Graph.
足の裏、手の指、掌の傷 wounds in the soles, finger on palm : Bell., Hyper., led.
アジソン病において addison’s disease, in : Calc.
をぬぐう;顔から〜と悪化 wiping perspiration from face agg. : Nux-v.
暖かい風呂で悪化 warm bath agg. : Apis., glon., nat-m., op.
の使い過ぎた後で mental exertion, after : Bell., glon.
を回して turning the head : Cic.
暑さの間 heat, during the : Cic., cina., cur., hyos., Nux-v., op., Stram.

圧縮:脊柱の〜 compression on spinal column : Tarent.
圧迫;胃の〜から pressure on stomach, from : Canth., cupr., nux-v.
  背骨の on spine : Tarent.

怒りの後 anger, after : Bufo., Cham., cina., kali-br., lyss., Nux-v., op., plat., sulph.
憤り indignation : Staph.
動きで悪化 motion agg. : Ars., bell., cocc., graph., nux-v., stry.

嘔吐の間 vomiting, during : Guar., op.
  改善 amel. : Agar.

おくびで改善 eructations amel. : Kali-c.

音から noise, from : Ant-c., arn., cic., ign., lyss., nux-v., stry.
  発作を止める arrests the paroxysm : Hell.