快活な gay : Agar., aur., bell., cann-s., con., hyos., lact., stram.
交互に;笑う、歌う、口笛、泣くなどと alternating with laughing, singing, whistling, crying, etc. : Stram.
憂鬱さと with melancholy : Agar.
外国の事を話す foreign countries, talks of : Cann-i.
外国語で話す language, talks in a : Stram.
悲しそう sorrowful : Acon., bell., dulc., lyc., puls.
過激 rabid : Bell., canth., lyss., stram.
壁から物をはずして集めようとする gather objects off the wall, tries to : Bell., hyos.
間欠性の intermittent : Con.
官能的 erotic : Camph., cann-i., canth., kali-br., lach., phos., stram.
気づかない;誰もrecognizes no one : Bell., calad., hyos., merc., nux-v., op., stram., tab., verat
空中で群れを捕まえる catches at flocks in air (「ジェスチャー」参照 See Gestures)
口、話しているように唇を動かす mouth, moves lips as if talking : Bell.
口に石を入れる puts stones in : Merc.
くだらない事、目を開けて nonsense, with eyes open : Anac., ars., bapt., canth., cham., coll., coloc., crot-h., hyos., op., stram., tarent., Verat.
暗闇で dark, in : Calc-ar., carb-v., cupr., stram.
繰り返す;同じ文を repeats the same sentence : Camph
継続した constant : Bapt., con., lach.
痙攣前 convulsions, before : Op.
痙攣中 during : Ars., crot-h.
痙攣後 after : Absin., bell., kali-c., sec.
激怒、わめく raging, raving : Acon., act-sp., aeth., Agar., anac., ant-s., ant-t., arg-m., arg-n., ars., Bell., bry., calc., camph., cann-i., Canth., carb-s., chel., chin-s., chin., cic., cimic., cina., colch., coloc., cupr., dig., dulc., ether., glon., graph., hell., hep., Hyos., hyper., jatr., lob., Lyc., merc-cy., merc., mosch., nat-m., Nit-ac., nux-m., oena., Op., par., phos., plb., puls., rheum., Sec., sol-n., Stram., sul-ac., sulph., tab., tarent., Verat., vip., zinc.
毛皮を夏にまとう wraps up in fur during summer : Hyos.
結婚の準備 wedding, prepares for : Hyos.
月経前 menses, before : Ars., bell., hyos., lyc.
月経中 during :Acon.,apis.,bell.,cocc.,hyos.,lyc. nux-m., puls., stram., verat.
交互に;疝痛と alternating with colic : Plb.
昏睡、また眠気と共に coma, also with somnolency : Plb., stram.
昏眠 sopor : Acet-ac., cocc., coloc., plb., vip.
tetanic convulsions, lies on his back, knees and thighs flexed, hands joined : Stram.
子牛のように鳴く bellows like a calf : Cupr.
枯渇後 depletion, after : Chin.
滑稽な comical : Hyos., stram., verat.