
水に飛び込む water, jumping into : Bell., sec.

見る;一点に集中して〜 look fixed on one point staring : Art-v., bov., camph., canth., cupr., ign., ran-b., stram.

  皺のよった顔で見つめる staring, with wrinkled face : Stram.

目が覚めて waking, on : Aur., bell., bry., cact., carb-v., chel., coff., colch., cur., dulc., hyos., lach., lob., merc., nat-c., par., sep., stram.

目を閉じて closing the eyes, on : Bapt., bell., bry., calc., graph., lach., led., pyrog., sulph.

無感動 apathetic : Ph-ac., verat.

野性的 wild : Bell., camph., canth., chlol., colch., cupr., hydr-ac., hyos., lach., op., Plb., Stram., verat.
    夜 at night : Plb.

床を転がる rolls on floor : Op.

揺れ動く;前後に rocking to and fro : Bell., hyos.

酔っぱらいの drunkards, of (「泥酔」参照 See Mania-a-potu)

呼ぶ crying : Bell., caust., cina.
  助けを for help : Canth.

流産後 miscarriage, after : Ruta.

話題がコロコロ変わる changing subjects rapidly : Lach.

話題が終始同じ same subject all the time : Petr.

笑う laughing : Acon., bell., colch., con., hyos., ign., lach., lact., op., plb., sec., sep., stram., sulph., thea., verat., zinc.

悪さ;空想上の〜 wrongs, of fancied : Hyos