大混乱; 心理的な〜が起きたように思える maelstrom, seemed carried down a psychical : Cann-i
大将だと思う:自分が general, that he is a : Cupr
逮捕されそう arrested, is about to be : Arn., ars., bell., cupr., kali-br., meli., plb., zinc.
大理石の石像にような感じがする:自分が marble statue, felt as if he were : Cann-i.
倒れる;自分が前方に~ falling forward, that she is : Elaps.
部屋の壁が内側に向かって;てんかんの発作前 inward, walls of room seem, before epileptic fit : Carb-v.
壁 walls : Arg-n., cann-i.
自分が~ that he is falling : Stram.
高い地位;自分は~の人間だと思う rank, thinks himself a person of : Cupr., phos., verat
助けを求める help, calling for : Plat
戦う;人が fighting, that people are : Op., stram
正しい;~事を全くしない right, does nothing : Anac., arg-n., aur., nat-c.
魂;体が~に小さすぎるとか、離れてしまったと空想する soul, fancied body was too small for, or that it was separated from : Anac., cann-i., thuj.
man in the room intending to perforate his throat with a gimlet : Merc-i-f.
首を吊った~を見た who hung himself, saw : Ars.
自分がする事を全部する does all the things he does : Ars.
通りを歩いている時、覆面の男が壁から飛び出す muffled, starts from the wall when walking in the streets : Cann-i.
長い髭で、ゆがんだ顔の老人が見える old men with long beards and distorted faces, sees : Laur.
裸の男性が寝床にいる naked man in bed : Puls.
夜、男性が寝床にいたと思う thinks men are on the bed at night : Merc.
the same man walking after him that he sees walking before him : Eupho.