
外気中 air, in open : Anac., hep., nux-v.
  改善 amel. : Plat., valer.

;部屋の~ mirrors in room, of : Bufo., camph., cann-i., canth., lyss., stram.
 wind, of : Cham.
風邪をひく事 cold, of taking : Nat-c., sulph.

角:特定の〜を通り過ぎる事 corners, to walk past certain : Arg-n., kali-br.
という角から何かが這い出して来る事 creeping out of every corner, of something : Med., phos.
悲しみに暮れるように grieving, as if : Phos.
咬まれる事 bitten, of being : Hyos., lyss.
考え;自分自身の~ thoughts, of his own : Camph.
考えている時;不愉快な事を thinking of disagreeable things, when : Phos.
  悲しい事を sad things, of : Rhus-t.
感覚を失う losing senses : Alum., calc., cann-i., carb-an., chlor., stram.
観察;自分の状態を〜されて observed, of her condition being : Atro., calc., chel.
関節が弱い事 joints are weak, that : Sep.
感染 infection, of : Bor., bufo., calad., calc., lach.

危険が差し迫っている事 danger, impending, of (「不運」参照) : Cimic., ether.
  寝かかっている時 going to sleep, on : Coff.
気絶 fainting, of : Arg-n., aster., carb-an., Lac-c.
教会やオペラへ行く準備ができた時 church or opera, when ready to go : Arg-n., gels.

を取りすぎる事 medicine, of taking too much : All-s., iber.
悔しさの後で vexation, after : Cham.
暗闇 dark : Acon., am-m., bapt., brom., calc-p., calc-s., calc., camph., Cann-i., carb-an., carb-v., caust., cupr., lyc., med., phos., puls., rhus-t., sanic., Stram., stront., valer.
苦しみ suffering, of : Bry., calc., cor-r., der., eup-per., lil-t., pip-m.
に引かれる事を;外出して~ run over of being, on going out : Anth., hydr-ac., lyss., phos.
黒い物すべて black, everything : Rob.

怪我する事 injured, of being : Calad., cann-i., hyos., Stram., stry.

月経前 menses, before:Acon., bor., calc., hep., kali-br., mang., plat., sec., sulph., xan.
  月経中 during : Acon., con., mag-c., nat-m., phos., plat., sec.
    生理痛 menstrual colic : Ant-t

健康を損なってしまう事 health, that she has ruined : Chel.

公共の場所 public places, of (「恐れ;人ごみ」参照)
絞首刑 gallows, of the : Bell.
強盗 robbers, of : Alum., arg-n., Ars., aur., bell., con., elaps., ign., lach., mag-c., mag-m., merc., nat-c., nat-m., phos., sanic., sil., sol-t-ae., sulph., verat., zinc.
  夜中に目が覚めて midnight on waking : Ign., sulph.

を使う事 voice, of using : Cann-i.
戸外に行く事 out of doors, to go : Anth.
コレラ cholera, of the : Lach., Nit-ac.
殺される事 murdered, of being : Absin., cimic., op., phos., plb., stram.
殺す事 killing, of : Absin., alumn., am-m., ars., der., nux-v., rhus-t., sulph., thea.
  ナイフで with a knife : Ars., der., nux-v.

転ぶ falling, of : Acon., alum., alumn., bor., cupr., cur., gels., kali-s., lac-c., lil-t., nux-v., stram.
  午後 afternoon : Nux-v.
  晩 evening : Lyss.
  物を落とす事を letting things fall, of : Coca.
  部屋の中で、悪化 room, in, agg. : Lil-t.
  眠りかかって sleep, on going to : Coff.
  頭を回して turning head, on : Der.
  歩いている時 walking, when : Coca., nat-m

混乱:人が自分を観察するだろうと confusion, that people would observe her : Calc.