真面目な考えを serious thoughts : Crot-h., plat.
麻痺 paralysis, of : Anac., arn., asaf., bell., syph
見知らぬ人 strangers, of : Ambr., bar-c., carb-v., caust., cupr., lach., stram., thuj.
水 water, of : Acet-ac., bell., cann-i., canth., cupr., gels., Hyos., iod., lach., Lyss., nux-v., phos., plb., ruta., sabad., Stram., tarent
見る;前から見られる時 looking before her, when : Sulph.
目が覚めて waking, on : Agn., alum., am-c., aster., bell., bism., bor., bufo., cact., carb-an., cocc., con., hep., ign., iris., lach., lept., lyc., mag-s., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., ph-ac., puls., rat., sil., spong., stram., sulph., zinc.
夢から from a dream : Alum., bov., cina., lyc., ph-ac., phos., sil.
頭の下にある何かから of something under the bed : Bell.
目を閉じると closing eyes, on : Aeth., carb-an., caust.
迷信的な superstitious : Rhus-t.
目眩 vertigo, of : Sumb.
目的地にたどり着けない事 destination, of being unable to reach his : Lyc.
問題;想像上の〜 troubles, of imaginary : Hydr-ac.