
外気中 air, in open : Carb-v., hura.
  改善 amel. in : Coff., nat-s., plat., Puls.

外気中を歩いて\walking in open air, when : Bell., calc., coff., sep.
  改善 amel. : Puls., rhus-t.

改善する;症状が ameliorates symptoms : Anac., colch., cycl., dig., graph., ign., lyc., med., merc., nit-ac., phos., plat., sep.,tab.

過去の出来事を考えて past events, thinking of : Nat-m.

悲しい考えで sad thoughts, at : Alum., carb-v., cina., kali-c., phel., plat., stram.

  悲しくても泣けない though sad, is impossible to weep : Nux-v.

感謝されると thanked, when : Lyc.

感情;わずかな~後 emotion, after slight : Aster., kreos., naja.

拒否された時;何でも refused anything, when : Bell., cham., ign.

屈辱後 mortification, after : Coloc., puls.

悔しさから vexation, from : Calad., cham., ign., nux-v., petr., sulph., tarent., zinc.

暗闇の中で dark, in : Stram.

痙攣の間 convulsions, during : Absin., cham., plb.
  痙攣性の convulsive : Mag-p.
    後 after : Caust.

月経前 menses, before : Cact., con., lyc., phos., puls., sep., zinc.

  月経中 during : Ars., cact., calc., caust., cocc., coff., con., cycl., graph., hyos., ign., Ind., lach., lyc., nat-m., petr., phos.,phyt., plat., puls., sec., sep., stram., thuj., verat., zinc.

    それで全然よくならない which does her no good : Cycl.

  月経後 after : Alum., con., lyc., phos., stram.

原因なく causeless : Apis., ars., bell., camph., cina., graph., hura., kali-ar., kali-br., kali-c., kreos., lyc., nat-m., nit-ac., Puls.,staph., Sulph., tarent., viol-o., zinc.

  どうしてかわからないが without knowing why : Kali-c., Rhus-t., sep.

抗議された時 remonstrated with, when : Bell., calc., ign., kali-c., nit-ac., plat., staph.

交互に;明るさと alternating with cheerfulness : Acon., arg-m., bell., bor., cann-s., carb-an., ign., iod., plat., spong.

  いら立ちとつまらない事に笑う irritability and laughter at trifles : Graph.

  奇妙なふざけと queer antics : Cupr.

  不機嫌さと ill humour : Bell., kali-i.

  笑いと laughter : Acon., alum., aur., bell., bor., calc., cann-s., caps., coff., con., graph., hyos., ign., kali-p., lyc., Merc., nat-m., Nux-m., nux-v., phos., plat., puls., samb., sep., stram., sulph., sumb., tarent., verat., ziz.

高揚の後 hallucination, after : Dulc.