
採寸中;服の having dress fitted : Nux-m.

寒気の前 chill, before : Ars., lach.
   間 during : Ars., bell., camph., caps., cic., con., hep., kali-c., Nat-m., nux-v., op., puls., stram., valer.

じっとする;一カ所に remains fixed in one spot : Nux-m.
  銅像のように不動 motionless like a statue : Hyos., stram.

knows no one but answers correctly when touched or spoken to : Cic.

頭痛と共に headache, with (See Head)
  動くと on moving : Calc., carb-an., nat-m., rhus-t.

座っている間 sitting, while : Asaf., bell., carb-an., caust., mosch., nat-m., sil., tara

;発病と発病の間に〜 cough between attacks of : Ant-t., cadm.

セックスの後 coition, after : Agar., asaf., dig.

せん妄状態の後 delirium, after : Atro., bry., phos.