
経験;すべて以前したと思う experienced before, thought everything had been : Kali-br.

警察;〜が家へ入ったのを見たと思う policeman come into house, thought he saw : Hyos., kali-br.
  医者が~だと that physician is a : Bell.

軽蔑される despised, that is : Arg-n., hura., lac-c.

ケガ;ケガしそうになる injury, is about to receive : Ars., cann-i., carb-s., con., lach., lyc., merc., nux-v., sil., stram., sulph.

  ケガを負わせられる is being injured : Bry., cact., canth., elaps., kali-br., lach., lyss., phos., rhus-t., stram., sulph.
    周囲の物で by his surroundings : Hyos., lach., naja.

  手足の指がhis fingers and toes are being cut off : Mosch.

結婚;~を解消すべき marriage, must dissolve : Fl-ac.

結婚している married, that he is : Ign.
  結婚するつもり is going to be : Hyos.

元気;自分は~だと思うwell, thinks he is : Apis., Arn., ars., cinnb., hyos., kreos., merc., puls

健康を損なっている health, he has ruined his : Chel.

建築用石材が現れる building stones, appearance of : Thuj.