
高貴;自分が~だと思うnoble, thinks he is a : Phos.

絞首刑の幻;恐怖と共に gallows, vision of, with fear of : Bell.

甲状腺腫:~にかかっていると想像する goitre, imagines he has a : Indg.
  座ると見えない~がある has one which he cannot see over when sitting down : Zinc.

皇帝;自分は~だと思う emperor, thought himself an : Cann-i.
  ~の事を話す talked of : Carb-s.

興奮した excited : Coff.

拷問にかけられると思う tormented, thinks is : Chin., lyss.

コーラス;音楽を聞くと教会の~にいると思う choir, on hearing music thinks he is in a cathedral : Cann-i.

;~が聞こえる voices, hears : Abrot., agar., anac., aster., bell., benz-ac., cann-i., carb-s., cench., cham., chlol., coca., coff., crot-c., crot-h., elaps., hyos., kali-br., lac-c., lach., lyc., manc., med., nat-m., petr., phos., plb., sol-n., stram.

  夜 night : Cham.
  聞いて従わねばならない hears, that he must follow : Crot-c.
    confused, agg., swallowing or walking in open air : Benz-ac., petr., phos.
  死人 dead people : Bell., nat-m., stram.
    his own, sounds strange and seems to reverberate like thunder : Cann-i.
  自分の名前を呼ぶ calling his name : Anac.
  遠くから distant : Bell., cham., nat-m., stram.
  寝床で、じっと聞くと消える bed, in, ceases when listening intently : Abrot.
  腹の中で声がする in his abdomen, are : Thuj.

ゴキブリが部屋をウジャウジャ飛び回る cockroaches swarmed about the room : Bell.

滑稽 ludicrous : Cann-i., nux-m.

子供;子供っぽい空想 child, childish fantasies, has : Lyc.
  ~が自分が若い時の仲間といっしょにいる is with companions of his youth : Ether.
  自分の~ではない not hers : Anac.
  また~になったと思う thinks he is again a : Cic.

子供たち;家から~を追い出さなければいけないと思う children, thinks he must drive, out of the house : Fl-ac.

殺されるだろう murdered, that he would be : Am-m., bell., calc., hyos., ign., kali-c., lact., lyc., mag-c., merc., op., phos., rhus-t., stram., verat., zinc.

   殺され、焼かれ、食べられた that he was killed, roasted and eaten : Stram.
  自分を殺そうと企てている conspiring to murder him, are : Ars., plb.
  自分の周りの人は皆殺人者 that every one around him is a murderer : Plb.
  自分を殺すため、人が賄賂をもらったと思う thinks persons were bribed to murder him : Cann-i.
  誰かが見える sees some one : Calc.
  母親が殺されたと思う thought her mother had been : Nux-v.

殺す;夫と子供を殺しそうだと思う murder, thinks she is about to, her husband and child : Kali-br.
  家族を手斧で殺すだろうと that she will murder her family with a hatchet : Jab.
  誰かを殺さねばならないと that he has to, some one : Ars.

混乱や想像;人が自分を観察するだろう confusion, imagines others will observe her : Calc.

婚約を破棄せねばならない betrothal must be broken : Fl-ac