ドア:誰かが夜~にやって来る door, that someone was coming in at the, at night : Con
道化役のよう;自分 harlequin, as if he were a : Hyos.
動物の animals, of : Absin., aeth., ars., aur.,bell., calc., cham., cimic., cina., colch., con., crot-h.,hyos., lac-c., lyss., med., Op.,puls., sant., sec., stram., sulph., tarent., thuj.,valer.
恐ろしい frightful : Bell., op., stram., tarent.
カップの中で動く cup, in a, moving : Hyos.
カブトムシやミミズなど beetles, worms, etc. : Ars., bell., stram.
汚い unclean : Bell.
暗い色 dark colored : Bell.
黒い物が壁や家具の上に見える black, on walls and furniture, sees : Bell.
グロテスク grotesque : Absin.
地面から飛び出す jump out of the ground : Stram.
通り過ぎる:前を passing before her : Thuj.
飛びかかる jumping at her : Merc.
ネズミ、虫など rats, mice, insects, etc. : Aeth., bell., cimic., med., stram.
寝床の上に bed, on : Colch., plb., stram., valer.
寝床の上で踊る dancing on the : Con.
這う creeping of : Lac-c.
体内を in her : Stram.
腹の中に abdomen, are in : Thuj.
火の中 fire, in the : Bell.
人が persons are : Hyos., stram.
動物に食われた devoured, had been by animals : Hyos.
透明;~のように思える transparent, seemed to be : Cann-i.
頭と鼻が head and nose are : Bell.
世界中を through worlds : Ether.
毒:をもられたと思う poisoned, thought he had been : Cimic., hyos., plat-m.
~をもられそうになったと思う that he was about to be : Kali-br., plb., rhus-t.
薬が~だ medicine being : Lach.
時計が打つのが聞こえる clock, hears strike : Ph-ac.
melting away, sensation of, worse from change, better in recumbent position : Sumb.
閉じ込められる;金網に encaged in wires : Cimic.
飛び跳ねる;自分の前であらゆる物が地面の上で jumped up on the ground before her, all sorts of things : Brom.
鳥が見える birds, sees : Bell., kali-c., lac-c.
羽をつついているのが that he is picking feathers from : Hyos.
泥棒;~を見る thieves, sees : Alum., ars., aur., bell., cupr., kali-c., mag-c., mag-m., merc., nat-c., nat-m., petr., phos., sil., verat., zinc.
夜 night : Ars.
家と寝床の下の空間に~がたくさんいる that house and space under bed are full of : Ars.
家の中に house, in : Ars., cann-i., lach., merc., nat-m., sil., sol-t-ae.
強盗の夢を見て、怖くて目が覚め、夢が本当だと思う dream of robbers is frightened on waking and thinks dream is true : Verat.
強盗呼ばわりされた that he has been accused of robbing : Kali-br.
夢の後、捜索するまでそうでないと信じないだろう after a dream, and will not believe the contrary until search is made : Nat-m.
飛んでいるような感覚 flying, sensation of : Asar., camph., cann-i., lach., oena, op.
岩から暗闇の底に~、寝床に入る時 from a rock into dark abyss, on going to bed : Cann-i.