
長く見える;物が~ longer, things seems : Berb., camph., dros., kreos., nit-ac., sulph.
  顎が長過ぎて見える chin seems too long : Glon.
  見下されている looked down upon, that she is : Lac-c.
  片方の脚が長い one leg is long : Cann-i

仲間が半人間、半植物に見える companions seemed half men, half plants : Cann-i.
  黒い black : Bell., puls

殴られる beaten, that he is being : Elaps

何か別の物が現れたかのよう something else, appeared as if, objects : Staph.

二重の形で存在する感覚 sensations present themselves in a double form : Cann-i

2倍 double, of being : Alum., anac., bapt., cann-i., glon., lach., lil-t., mosch., nux-m., petr., sec., stram., thuj.
  一方の手足 one limb is : Petr

ニワトリが見える fowls, sees : Stram

人形;人が~のように見える dolls, people appeared like : Plb

妊娠していると思う;自分は pregnant, thought herself : Ing., sabad., thuj., verat.

縫う;自分自身を~ていると想像する sewing, imagines herself to be : Atro.

ネコが見える cats, sees ; Absin., aeth., arn., bell., calc., daph., hyos., puls.,stram.

ネズミが見える mice, sees : Bell., calc., cimic., colch., lac-c., mag-s., op.


寝床:横になっていない気がし朝4時に目が覚める bed, feels as if not lying on, on waking, 4 a.m.; Hyper.

  evening,as if some one would get into and no room in it, or as if some one had sold it : Nux-v.

  動いて motion, in : Lac-c.
  沈む sinking, were : Bell., bry., calc-p., chin-s., dulc., kali-c., lach., rhus-t., sacc.
  ~の下から引っ張られるよう drawn from under her : Stram.

  誰かが自分といっしょに寝床にいるよう as if some one was in, with him : Anac., apis., bapt., carb-v., nux-v., op., petr., puls., rhus-t., sec., stram., valer.
     自分を上下に飛び跳ねさせる bouncing her up and down : Bell., canth.
    2人の人が自分と寝床にいる two persons in bed, with her : Cycl.

  誰かが寝床を横切る someone over it : Calc.
    びっくりして飛び出す drives him out : Rhus-t.
    足下に立って脅す stands at the foot menacing : Chlol.
    シーツを取り去ろうとする tries to take away the bed clothes : Bell.
    寝床の下 under it : Am-m., ars., bell., calc., canth., colch.
      ノックする knocking : Canth.

  裸の男性が自分とシーツに包まれている naked man is wrapped in the bedclothes with her : Puls.

  持ち上げられた raised, were : Canth.

眠る;目が覚めているが、~ていると主張する sleeping, while awake, insists that he was : Acon.

が柔らかくなった brain, has softening : Abrot., arg-n

ノコギリ;自分は巨大な~で、上下に動く saw, thought he was a huge, darting up and down : Cann-i

ノック;寝床の下で~ knocking under the bed (「妄想;音」参照)

;誰かが氷のように冷たい手で~をつかむ throat, someone with ice cold hands took her by the : Canth

飲む drinking : Bell

乗る;雄牛に riding on an ox : Bell.
   馬に a horse : Cann-i.