
楽園;を見たと思う paradise, thought he saw : Coff.

旅行 travelling, of : Cann-i.

旅行中である journey, that he is on a : Bell., brom., cann-i., crot-h., hyos., lach., mag-m., nat-c., op., sang., sil.

霊魂;自分は~ spirit, that he is a : Cann-i.

老人が見える old men, sees : Laur.

論争 argument, making an eloquent : Cann-i.

論争の中にいる debate, of being in : Hyos.

分ける;2部分に divided into two parts : Bapt., cann-i., petr., puls., sil., stram., thuj.
  または2つに切る or cut in two : Plat.
    and could not tell of which part he had possession on waking : Thuj

笑われていると想像する laughed at, imagines she is : Bar-c.