楽園;を見たと思う paradise, thought he saw : Coff.
旅行 travelling, of : Cann-i.
旅行中である journey, that he is on a : Bell., brom., cann-i., crot-h., hyos., lach., mag-m., nat-c., op., sang., sil.
霊魂;自分は~ spirit, that he is a : Cann-i.
老人が見える old men, sees : Laur.
論争 argument, making an eloquent : Cann-i.
論争の中にいる debate, of being in : Hyos.
分ける;2部分に divided into two parts : Bapt., cann-i., petr., puls., sil., stram., thuj.
または2つに切る or cut in two : Plat.
and could not tell of which part he had possession on waking : Thuj
笑われていると想像する laughed at, imagines she is : Bar-c.
役人;友人を~と間違えた mandarin, mistook friend for a : Cann-i
役人:自分は〜である officer, that he is an : Agar., bell., cann-i., cupr.
野菜;〜の生活を送っていると思う vegetable existence, thinks he is leading a : Cann-i.
自分は野菜を売っていると思う thinks he is selling green : Cupr.
山;~の頂上にいると思う mountain, thought himself to be on the ridge of a : Cann-i.
憂鬱 melancholy : Alum.
夜、半分起きている間 while half awake at night : Nux-v
優越感 superiority : Plat.
友情がなくなった affection of friends, has lost : Aur., hura
友人;友人をなくすのではと思う friend, thinks she is about to lose a : Hura.
友情をなくした has lost the affection of : Aur., hura.
事故に遭った met with an accident : Ars.
気分を害した offended : Ars.
友人がいない friendless, that he is : Mag-m., sars
裕福だと想像 wealth, imaginations of : Agn., alco., bell., calc., cann-i., kali-br., pyrog., sulph., verat
幽霊 ghosts (「妄想『お化け」参照)
愉快 pleasing : Atro., cann-i., op., stram.
朝、寝た後で morning, after sleep : Bell.
指が切り落とされる fingers cut off : Mosch
指の爪が眠気の間、皿くらい大きく見える finger-nails seem as large a plates during drowsiness : Cann-i.
夢;起きている時夢を見て、自分自身を想像する dreaming when awake, imagines himself : Bell.
ヨウ素;iodine, illusions of fumes of : Iod
汚す;触る物をすべて〜 contaminates everything she touches : Ars.
横になる;誰かが側に寝ていると空想する lying near him, fancies some one is : Petr.
斜めに crosswise : Stram.
呼ぶ;誰かを calls, someone : Anac., ant-c., cann-i., dros., kali-c., plb., thuj.
いない人を for absent persons : Hyos.
目が覚めて waking, on : Ant-c., ars., rhus-t., sep.
reading after her, someone is, which makes her read the faster : Mag-m.
見えない物 unseen, thing : Tarent.
惨め;鏡を覗くと自分が~に見えると思う wretched, thinks she looks, when looking in a mirror : Nat-m.
見捨てられtた forsaken(「妄想:放棄」参照)
見知らぬ人;部屋にいるように思える strangers seemed to be in the room : Tarent., thuj.
編み物している間、周りにいる about her while knitting : Mag-s.
~にコントロールされる control of, under : Aster., bry.
友人が~に見える friends appear as : Bry., stram.
~が肩越しに見ている looking over shoulder : Brom.
~が見えると思う thinks he sees : Cann-i., mag-s., nux-v., stram., thuj.
水;青色の幻想 water, illusion of blue : Cann-i.
水害 of disasters by : Cann-i.
~の流れが見える sees flowing : Merc.
スプーン1杯の~が湖のように見える spoonful, a, seems like a lake : Agar.
~を飲む時、おいしい蜜だと思う when drinking, thought it delicious nectar : Cann-i.
耳が聞こえず、話せない deaf and dumb : Verat.
ミミズ;~の束を吐くのを想像する worms, imagined vomitus to be a bunch of : Cann-i.
~で覆われていると想像する imagines he is covered with : Cocaine.
見られている watched, that she is being : Ars., bar-c., hyos., rhus-t.
見る;誰かが自分に代わって~と思う sees, thinks some one else sees for him : Alum.
見る;皆が自分を~ looking at her, that everyone is : Meli., rhus-t.
虫が見える insects, sees : Ars., Bell., caust., dig., hyos., lac-c., merc.,phos.,plb.,puls.,stram.,tarent.
光っている shining : Bell.
無視;義務を~している neglected his duty, that he has : Aur., cycl., hyos., ign., lyc., nat-a., puls.
自分が~されている that he is : Arg-n., naja., Pall.
目が落ちる eyes, falling out : Crot-c.
目が見えなくなった blind, that he is : Mosch., verat.
目立つ distinguished : Stram., veratもでできている wood, is made of : Kali-n.
持っているように possessed, as if : Anac., bell., hyos.
物;鮮やかな色 objects, brilliantly colored : Bell.
明るい bright from : Stram.
外気の中で open, air, in : Atro.
キラキラ光る glittering : Bell.
違って見える appear different : Nat-m.
部屋にも多数ある numerous, too, in room : Phys.
sometimes thick, sometimes thin, on closing eye, in slumber : Camph.
曲がった crooked : Glon.問
問題;想像上の~が垂れ込める troubles, broods over imaginary : Naja.
魔術師 magician, is a : Bell.
間違い;~を犯したと空想する wrong, fancies he has done : Ars., aur., cycl., dig., hell., ign., lyc., merc., nat-a., puls., thuj.
苦しむ has suffered (「妄想;ケガ」参照) : Hyos., lach., lyss., naja
魔法にかけられたと思う bewitched, thinks he is : Cann-i.
幻 visions (妄想「イメージ」「お化け」参照) : Absin., alum., ambr., arg-n., bell., calc-s., calc., Cann-i., canth., carb-s., cench., cham., chlol., cic., cimic., con., crot-c., graph., hep., hyos., lach., lyc., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., op., plat., puls., rhod., rhus-t., sep., sil., spong., stram., sulph., valer.
日中 daytime : Bell., lac-c., lyc., nat-m., stram.
晩 evening : Brom., carb-an., carb-v., chin., cupr., ign., phos., puls.
夜 night : Canth., cham., spong.
色のついた雲 clouds of colors : Lach.
美しい beautiful : Bell., cann-i., coca., lac-c., lach., olnd., Op.
大ネズミと変な物 rats and strange objects : Cimic.
恐ろしい horrible : Absin., Bell., calc., camph., carb-an., carb-v., caust., kali-br., lac-c., lyc., merc., op., phos., puls.,samb., sil., stram., sulph., tarent.
暗闇で in the dark : Bell., carb-v., hell., petr., puls., stram.
目が覚めて waking, on : Zinc.
怪物 monsters : Bell., camph., cann-i., cic., lac-c., samb., stram., tarent.
眠りに落ちる時と目覚める時 on falling asleep and on waking : Ign.
空想的な fantastic : Ars., hyos., lach., nit-ac., op.
すばらしい wonderful : Calc., camph., cann-i., lach.
想像上の力 imaginary power, of : Cann-i.
火 fire (「妄想;火」)
目を閉じると closing the eyes, on : Apis., arg-n., ars., bell., bry., Calc., camph., caust., chin., cocc., cupr., graph., hell., ign., lach., led., lyc., nat-m., plb., puls., samb., sec., sep., spong., stram., sulph., tarent., thuj.
雄大、壮大 grandeur, of magnificent : Carb-s., coff.
回る;グルグル turning around, is : Aur.
帽子がズボンと思い、はこうとする hat is a pair of trousers which he tries to put on : Stram.
放棄された、見捨てられた deserted, forsaken : Arg-n.,bar-c., camph., cann-i., carb-an., carb-v., chin., cycl., hura.,hyos., kali-br., lil-t., lyss., nat-c., pall., plat., puls., stram.
暴力について violence, about : Kali-br
暴力を受けそう assaulted, is going to be : Tarent
ボールの上に座っている ball, that he is sitting on a : Cann-i
星;自分の皿に~が見える stars, saw in his plate : Cann-i
細い;細くなる thin, is getting : Sulph.
体が~ body is : Thuj
発作を起こすのではないかと思い、速く歩く fit, thinks she will have a fit and walks faster : Arg-n.
兵士が見える soldiers, sees : Bar-c., bell., bry., op.
自分を打ちのめし、冷やした方がいい cutting him down, better on getting cool : Bry.
静かに行進して過ぎる march silently past : Cann-i.
寝床の上に on his bed : Lact.
ヘビ;真っ赤な~が首に巻き付いている serpent, a crimson, fastening on his neck : Bell
ヘビが中や周りにいる snakes in and around her : Arg-n., bell., calc., hyos., lac-c., lach., op.
部屋;庭が~ room, garden, is a : Calc.
荒れた海の泡のよう like the foam of a troubled sea, is : Sec.
人が~の寝床のそばにいるのが見える sees people in, at bedside : Atro., con.
~に入って来る on entering : Lyc.
~の壁が自分を押しつぶすだろう that the walls will crush him : Arg-n.
~の壁がいっしょに動くよう walls of, seem gliding together : Cann-i.
壁に恐ろしい物が見える sees horrible things on the : Bell., cann-i., hyos., samb.
ベル:音が聞こえる bells, hears ringing of : Cann-i., ph-ac., thea.
自分の葬式の his funeral : Ether.
無数の甘い音色 numberless sweet toned : Cann-i.
呼び鈴 door bell : Thea.
変;すべてが~ strange, everything is : Bar-m., carb-an., cic., graph., nux-m., plat., staph., stram.
ある国にいるような land, as if in a : Bry., par., plat., verat.
考えが変 notions : Lyss.
声:自分の声が変に思える voice, her own seemed : Cann-i.
よく知っている物が変に見える familiar things seem : Arg-n., atro., bar-m., bell., calc., cann-i., carb-an., cic., croc.,glon.,graph., hyos., lyss., mag-m., med., mosch., op., plat., rhus-t.,staph., stram., valer., verat.
恐ろしく horrible, are : Plat.
滑稽に ludicrous, are : Cann-i., hyos., nux-m.
場所が places seemed : Cic., rhus-r.
頭痛の後 headache after : Glon.
不運;空想の~について慰められない misfortune, inconsolable over fancied : Verat.
不運;自分は〜 unfortunate, that he is : Bry., chin., cub., hura., ip., lyc., sep., verat
不快;すべてが〜に見える foul, everything appears : Cur
服;きれいな~だと思う clothes, thinks beautiful : Aeth., sulph.
ボロ切れをまとっている is clad in rags : Cann-i.
~が飛んでしまい、裸で彷徨う星になる would fly away and become wandering stars, on undressing : Cann-i.
復讐;自分は神のために選ばれたと思う vengeance, thinks he is singled out for divine : Kali-br.
腹部が落ち込み、腹が食われ、陰嚢が腫れる abdomen is fallen in, his stomach devoured, his scrotum swollen : Sabad.
覆面が見える masks, sees : Bell., kali-a., op.
不潔 filthy(「妄想;汚い」参照)
ふける;空想にlost, fancies herself : Aur., hura., plb.
目が覚めて on waking : Aesc.
侮辱されたと思う insulted, thinks he is : Bell., cham., ign., kali-br., lac-c., lyss., nux-v., pall., puls., tarent
ブタ;男性は~ swine, thinks men are : Hyos
船酔い seasick, that he is : Der
船;嵐の中~に乗っていると思う ship, thinks they are on board of, in a storm : Alco.
不愉快 unpleasant : Bell.
周囲の物から離れて distinct from surrounding objects : Bell.
病気;自分は~だと想像する sick, imagines himself : Arg-n., ars., bar-c., bell., calc., graph., iod., kali-c., lyc., murx., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., petr., phos., podo., psor., sabad., sep., stram.
自分が病気になると that he was going to be : Nat-p., podo.
家族の誰かが members of the family are : Hep.
親友が病気で死にそうだ a beloved friend is sick and dying : Bar-c.
two sick people were in bed, one of whom got well and the other did not : Sec.
ぶら下がる;人が~が見える hanging, sees persons : Ars.
眠りに落ちながら、3本足が地面から three feet from the ground, on falling asleep : Hura.
または高い所に立っているかのように見える or standing high, seems as if : Phos.
古いボロ布が絹のようにすばらしい old rags are as fine as silk : Sulph.
震える;夜半分起きている時だけ、自分の上ですべてが~ !
trembling, of everything on him, at night, when only half awake : Sulph
分娩;~のふりをするか、痛みがあると思う labor, pretends to be in, or thinks she has pains : Verat
分離;世界から~している separated from the world, that he is : Anac.
火の幻が見える fire, visions of : Alum., am-m., anac., ant-t., ars., bell., calc-p., calc., clem., croc., daph., hep., kali-n., kreos., laur., lyss., mag-m., nat-m., phos., plat., puls., rhod., rhus-t., spig., spong., stann., stram., sulph., zinc.
頭が火に囲まれている head is surrounded by : Am-m.
家から遠くに distant home, on : Bell.
家が燃えている house on : Bell., hep., stram.
音がする度に火事だと叫んでいると思い震える every noise is a cry of fire, she thinks, and she trembles : Bar-c.
近所の家が火事だと朝びっくりして起きる neighbor’s house on, morning, waking in a fright : Hep.
世界が燃えている world is on : Hep.
部屋が燃えている room is on : Stram.
光;眠りに落ちる時、部屋が明かるすぎると思う light, on falling to sleep, thinks there is too much in room : Ambr.
引き込まれる;夜目が覚めて、暗闇の最も低いどん底から~ : Thea
卑下;自分が偉いが、人を卑下し低く見る humility and lowness of others, while he is great : Plat., staph.
非現実的;すべてが~に思える unreal, everything seems : Ail., alum., cann-i., cann-s., lac-c., lil-t., med., staph
膝;~で歩く knees, that he walks on : Bar-c.
引っかく;麻などで誰かが~と思う scratching on linen or similar substance, thought some one was : Asar
ひつぎに横たわっている bier, is lying on a : Anac., cann-i.
ヒツジが見える sheep, sees : Cimic.
人;が見える people, sees : Ars., atro., bell., bry., chin., con., hyos., kali-c., lyc., lyss., mag-s., med., nat-m., op., plb., puls., rheum., sep., stram., sulph., thuj., valer., verat
家へ入ると;夜 entering the house at night : Con.
いない人と会話する converses, with absent : Agar., aur.,bell.,crot-c.,dig.,hyos., lach., op., stram., thuj.
後ろに誰かがいる behind him, some one is : Anac., brom., calc., casc.,cench.,crot-c.,lach., med., ruta., sil., staph.
暗闇を歩いている時 when walking in the dark : Ferr., sanic.
そばに誰かがいる beside him, are : Anac., apis., ars., bell., calc., camph., carb-v.,cench.,nux-v., petr., thuj., valer.
何かしている時 doing as he does : Ars.
人が自分を見ている persons are looking at him : Rhus-t.
目を閉じると closing eyes, on : Ars., bell., bry., Chin., nat-m.
person, that something hanging over chair is a, sitting there : Calc.
自分は他の人だと思う thinks she is some other : Cann-s., lach., phos., plb., valer.
人が部屋に another person in the room : Cann-i.
2人の人だと that he is two persons (「妄想;二重」参照)
人に腹を立てる offended people, that he has : Ars
人よりいい better than others, that he is : Myric
ひどい;すべてが~見える horrible, everything seems : Plat.
一人;いつも~ alone, that she is always : Puls., stram.
荒野にいる in a wilderness : Stram.
世界に一人 she is, in the world : Camph., hura., plat., puls.
墓地に一人でいる that she is alone in a graveyard : Lepi., sep.
批判されている criticised, that she is : Bar-c., laur., plb., rhus-r.
病気;あらゆる病気にかかているdisease, that he has every : Aur-m., stram.
知られていない病気にかかっている unrecognized, has an : Raph.
不治の病にかかっている has incurable : Arg-n., cact., chel., plb., sabad.
耳が聞こえず、話せず、癌だ is deaf, dumb and has cancer : Verat.
squares, fancies of a colossal surrounded by houses a hundred stories high : Cann-i.
ひわい obscene : Stram.
罪は無い行為なのに自分を責める actions of which she has not been guilty, accuses herself : Phos.
ピンについて pins, about : Sil., spig
貧乏;自分が~だと思う poor, thinks he is : Bell., calc-f., hep., mez., nux-v., sep., stram., valer.
貧乏;〜になると空想する want, fancied that he would come to( 「妄想;貧しい」参照) : Calc-f., sulph.
彼らが~になると that they had come to : Cann-i.
ハーブを集める herbs, gathering : Bell., cupr
墓;自分の~に入っている grave, that he is in his : Lepi., stram
馬鹿げて滑稽 absurd, ludicrous : Cann-i.
形がある figures are present : Ambr., arg-m., camph., cann-i., caust., cic., op., tarent
迫害される persecuted, that he is : Chin., cycl., Dros., hyos., kali-br., stram
恥をかかされる:自分は disgraced, that she is : Plat., sarr., sulph
場所;特定の~が通れない place, that he cannot pass a certain : Arg-n., kali-br.
場所;別の~にいる places, of being in different : Cann-i., lyc., plb., raph.
at night on waking thought to find himself in strange and solitary : Par.
同時に2カ所にいる of being in two, at the same time : Cench., lyc., sil.
間違った所に wrong, in : Hyos.
走らせる:羊を~driving sheep : Acon.
孔雀を peacocks : Hyos.
裸だと思う;自分が naked, thinks is : Stram.
働く事;一生懸命する work, is hard at : Rhus-t., verat.
〜で邪魔される is hindered at : Chin.
〜は自分を害するだろう will do him harm : Arg-n.
鼻;透明な~がある nose, has a transparent : Bell.
他の人の~がある has some one else’s : Lac-c.
~をつかむ takes people by : Merc
話す;自分の空想を~talking, fancies herself : Raph.
死人と as with dead people : Bell., calc-sil., canth., hell., hyos., nat-m., stram.
夜中に人が近くにいるように~ of persons as though near, about midnight : Sep.
霊と with spirits : Stram.hatiハが見える bees, sees : Puls.
蜂が見える bees, sees : Puls
腹が立ち、気分を害する vexations, and offences, of : Cham., chin., dros
バラバラになった体が見える mutilated bodies, sees : Ant-c., arn., con., mag-m., merc., nux-v., sep.バ
犯罪について criminals, about : Alum., am-c., ars., bell., carb-v., caust., chel., cina., cocc., coff., dig., ferr., graph., hyos., merc., nat-c., nit-ac., nux-v., puls., ruta., sil., stront., sulph., verat.
針が見える needles, sees : Merc., sil.
腫れている swollen, is(「妄想;大きくなる」参照) : Cann-i., carb-s
犯罪者である criminal, that he is a : Cob., cycl., dig., hyos., ign., merc., op., phos., sarr., thuj.
そして人がそれを知っている and others know it : Cob.
ハンターだと思う;自分 hunter, thinks he is a : Cann-i., verat
斑点;体が茶色の~ spotted brown, his body is : Bell
半分;左半分が自分に属していない halves, left half does not belong to her : Sil.