What is HSK Kinesiology?

HSK Kinesiology is a kinesiology developed by Dr. Honma, who runs an osteopathic clinic in Los Angeles.

HSK Kinesiology has been developed by Dr. Honma,
a doctor who runs an osteopathic clinic in Los Angeles,
based on his many years of experience as a doctor.

HSK stands for Health Support Kinesiology.
Knowledge is important, but it is also important to experience kinesiology itself.

From this point of view,
he has created a method of kinesiology called Cafe Kinesiology,
which can be done easily in a cafe, and allows you to experience the “first step”.

Created in collaboration with Ms.Yukari Hoshi,
an acupuncturist living in Nagano (Japan),
you can smell the aromas that match the meridians on your hands,
check your finger muscles for reactions,
and your notice changes yourself.

In addition,
natural aromas of 14 meridians and chakras.
will help you to release your inner self.