
不運;空想の~について慰められない misfortune, inconsolable over fancied : Verat.

不運;自分は〜 unfortunate, that he is : Bry., chin., cub., hura., ip., lyc., sep., verat

不快;すべてが〜に見える foul, everything appears : Cur

;きれいな~だと思う clothes, thinks beautiful : Aeth., sulph.
  ボロ切れをまとっている is clad in rags : Cann-i.
  ~が飛んでしまい、裸で彷徨う星になる would fly away and become wandering stars, on undressing : Cann-i.

復讐;自分は神のために選ばれたと思う vengeance, thinks he is singled out for divine : Kali-br.

腹部が落ち込み、腹が食われ、陰嚢が腫れる abdomen is fallen in, his stomach devoured, his scrotum swollen : Sabad.

覆面が見える masks, sees : Bell., kali-a., op.

不潔 filthy(「妄想;汚い」参照)

ふける;空想にlost, fancies herself : Aur., hura., plb.
  目が覚めて on waking : Aesc.

侮辱されたと思う insulted, thinks he is : Bell., cham., ign., kali-br., lac-c., lyss., nux-v., pall., puls., tarent

ブタ;男性は~ swine, thinks men are : Hyos

船酔い seasick, that he is : Der

;嵐の中~に乗っていると思う ship, thinks they are on board of, in a storm : Alco.

不愉快 unpleasant : Bell.
  周囲の物から離れて distinct from surrounding objects : Bell.

病気;自分は~だと想像する sick, imagines himself : Arg-n., ars., bar-c., bell., calc., graph., iod., kali-c., lyc., murx., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., petr., phos., podo., psor., sabad., sep., stram.

  自分が病気になると that he was going to be : Nat-p., podo.
    家族の誰かが members of the family are : Hep.
    親友が病気で死にそうだ a beloved friend is sick and dying : Bar-c.
    two sick people were in bed, one of whom got well and the other did not : Sec.

ぶら下がる;人が~が見える hanging, sees persons : Ars.

  眠りに落ちながら、3本足が地面から three feet from the ground, on falling asleep : Hura.
  または高い所に立っているかのように見える or standing high, seems as if : Phos.

古いボロ布が絹のようにすばらしい old rags are as fine as silk : Sulph.

震える;夜半分起きている時だけ、自分の上ですべてが~ !
  trembling, of everything on him, at night, when only half awake : Sulph

分娩;~のふりをするか、痛みがあると思う labor, pretends to be in, or thinks she has pains : Verat

分離;世界から~している separated from the world, that he is : Anac.


の幻が見える fire, visions of : Alum., am-m., anac., ant-t., ars., bell., calc-p., calc., clem., croc., daph., hep., kali-n., kreos., laur., lyss., mag-m., nat-m., phos., plat., puls., rhod., rhus-t., spig., spong., stann., stram., sulph., zinc.

   頭が火に囲まれている head is surrounded by : Am-m.
  家から遠くに distant home, on : Bell.
  家が燃えている house on : Bell., hep., stram.

  音がする度に火事だと叫んでいると思い震える every noise is a cry of fire, she thinks, and she trembles : Bar-c.

  近所の家が火事だと朝びっくりして起きる neighbor’s house on, morning, waking in a fright : Hep.
  世界が燃えている world is on : Hep.
  部屋が燃えている room is on : Stram.


;眠りに落ちる時、部屋が明かるすぎると思う light, on falling to sleep, thinks there is too much in room : Ambr.

引き込まれる;夜目が覚めて、暗闇の最も低いどん底から~ : Thea

卑下;自分が偉いが、人を卑下し低く見る humility and lowness of others, while he is great : Plat., staph. 

非現実的;すべてが~に思える unreal, everything seems : Ail., alum., cann-i., cann-s., lac-c., lil-t., med., staph

;~で歩く knees, that he walks on : Bar-c.

引っかく;麻などで誰かが~と思う scratching on linen or similar substance, thought some one was : Asar

ひつぎに横たわっている bier, is lying on a : Anac., cann-i.

ヒツジが見える sheep, sees : Cimic.


;が見える people, sees : Ars., atro., bell., bry., chin., con., hyos., kali-c., lyc., lyss., mag-s., med., nat-m., op., plb., puls., rheum., sep., stram., sulph., thuj., valer., verat

  家へ入ると;夜 entering the house at night : Con.
  いない人と会話する converses, with absent : Agar., aur.,bell.,crot-c.,dig.,hyos., lach., op., stram., thuj.

  後ろに誰かがいる behind him, some one is : Anac., brom., calc., casc.,cench.,crot-c.,lach., med., ruta., sil., staph.
    暗闇を歩いている時 when walking in the dark : Ferr., sanic.

  そばに誰かがいる beside him, are : Anac., apis., ars., bell., calc., camph., carb-v.,cench.,nux-v., petr., thuj., valer.
    何かしている時 doing as he does : Ars.

  人が自分を見ている persons are looking at him : Rhus-t.
  目を閉じると closing eyes, on : Ars., bell., bry., Chin., nat-m.


  person, that something hanging over chair is a, sitting there : Calc.

  自分は他の人だと思う thinks she is some other : Cann-s., lach., phos., plb., valer.
    人が部屋に another person in the room : Cann-i.
    2人の人だと that he is two persons (「妄想;二重」参照)

人に腹を立てる offended people, that he has : Ars

人よりいい better than others, that he is : Myric

ひどい;すべてが~見える horrible, everything seems : Plat.

一人;いつも~ alone, that she is always : Puls., stram.

  荒野にいる in a wilderness : Stram.
  世界に一人 she is, in the world : Camph., hura., plat., puls.
  墓地に一人でいる that she is alone in a graveyard : Lepi., sep.

批判されている criticised, that she is : Bar-c., laur., plb., rhus-r.

病気;あらゆる病気にかかているdisease, that he has every : Aur-m., stram.

  知られていない病気にかかっている unrecognized, has an : Raph.
  不治の病にかかっている has incurable : Arg-n., cact., chel., plb., sabad.
  耳が聞こえず、話せず、癌だ is deaf, dumb and has cancer : Verat.

  squares, fancies of a colossal surrounded by houses a hundred stories high : Cann-i.

ひわい obscene : Stram.

  罪は無い行為なのに自分を責める actions of which she has not been guilty, accuses herself : Phos.

ピンについて pins, about : Sil., spig

貧乏;自分が~だと思う poor, thinks he is : Bell., calc-f., hep., mez., nux-v., sep., stram., valer.

貧乏;〜になると空想する  want, fancied that he would come to( 「妄想;貧しい」参照) : Calc-f., sulph.

  彼らが~になると  that they had come to : Cann-i.


ハーブを集める herbs, gathering : Bell., cupr

;自分の~に入っている grave, that he is in his : Lepi., stram

馬鹿げて滑稽 absurd, ludicrous : Cann-i.
  形がある figures are present : Ambr., arg-m., camph., cann-i., caust., cic., op., tarent

迫害される persecuted, that he is : Chin., cycl., Dros., hyos., kali-br., stram

をかかされる:自分は disgraced, that she is : Plat., sarr., sulph

場所;特定の~が通れない place, that he cannot pass a certain : Arg-n., kali-br.

場所;別の~にいる places, of being in different : Cann-i., lyc., plb., raph.
at night on waking thought to find himself in strange and solitary : Par.
  同時に2カ所にいる of being in two, at the same time : Cench., lyc., sil.
  間違った所に wrong, in : Hyos.

走らせる:羊を~driving sheep : Acon.
  孔雀を peacocks : Hyos.

だと思う;自分が naked, thinks is : Stram.

働く事;一生懸命する work, is hard at : Rhus-t., verat.
  〜で邪魔される is hindered at : Chin.
  〜は自分を害するだろう will do him harm : Arg-n.

;透明な~がある nose, has a transparent : Bell.
  他の人の~がある has some one else’s : Lac-c.
  ~をつかむ takes people by : Merc

話す;自分の空想を~talking, fancies herself : Raph.
  死人と as with dead people : Bell., calc-sil., canth., hell., hyos., nat-m., stram.
  夜中に人が近くにいるように~ of persons as though near, about midnight : Sep.
  霊と with spirits : Stram.hatiが見える bees, sees : Puls.

が見える bees, sees : Puls

腹が立ち、気分を害する vexations, and offences, of : Cham., chin., dros

バラバラになった体が見える mutilated bodies, sees : Ant-c., arn., con., mag-m., merc., nux-v., sep.

犯罪について criminals, about : Alum., am-c., ars., bell., carb-v., caust., chel., cina., cocc., coff., dig., ferr., graph., hyos., merc., nat-c., nit-ac., nux-v., puls., ruta., sil., stront., sulph., verat.

が見える needles, sees : Merc., sil.

腫れている swollen, is(「妄想;大きくなる」参照) : Cann-i., carb-s

犯罪者である criminal, that he is a : Cob., cycl., dig., hyos., ign., merc., op., phos., sarr., thuj.
  そして人がそれを知っている and others know it : Cob.

ハンターだと思う;自分 hunter, thinks he is a : Cann-i., verat

斑点;体が茶色の~ spotted brown, his body is : Bell

半分;左半分が自分に属していない halves, left half does not belong to her : Sil.


長く見える;物が~ longer, things seems : Berb., camph., dros., kreos., nit-ac., sulph.
  顎が長過ぎて見える chin seems too long : Glon.
  見下されている looked down upon, that she is : Lac-c.
  片方の脚が長い one leg is long : Cann-i

仲間が半人間、半植物に見える companions seemed half men, half plants : Cann-i.
  黒い black : Bell., puls

殴られる beaten, that he is being : Elaps

何か別の物が現れたかのよう something else, appeared as if, objects : Staph.

二重の形で存在する感覚 sensations present themselves in a double form : Cann-i

2倍 double, of being : Alum., anac., bapt., cann-i., glon., lach., lil-t., mosch., nux-m., petr., sec., stram., thuj.
  一方の手足 one limb is : Petr

ニワトリが見える fowls, sees : Stram

人形;人が~のように見える dolls, people appeared like : Plb

妊娠していると思う;自分は pregnant, thought herself : Ing., sabad., thuj., verat.

縫う;自分自身を~ていると想像する sewing, imagines herself to be : Atro.

ネコが見える cats, sees ; Absin., aeth., arn., bell., calc., daph., hyos., puls.,stram.

ネズミが見える mice, sees : Bell., calc., cimic., colch., lac-c., mag-s., op.


寝床:横になっていない気がし朝4時に目が覚める bed, feels as if not lying on, on waking, 4 a.m.; Hyper.

  evening,as if some one would get into and no room in it, or as if some one had sold it : Nux-v.

  動いて motion, in : Lac-c.
  沈む sinking, were : Bell., bry., calc-p., chin-s., dulc., kali-c., lach., rhus-t., sacc.
  ~の下から引っ張られるよう drawn from under her : Stram.

  誰かが自分といっしょに寝床にいるよう as if some one was in, with him : Anac., apis., bapt., carb-v., nux-v., op., petr., puls., rhus-t., sec., stram., valer.
     自分を上下に飛び跳ねさせる bouncing her up and down : Bell., canth.
    2人の人が自分と寝床にいる two persons in bed, with her : Cycl.

  誰かが寝床を横切る someone over it : Calc.
    びっくりして飛び出す drives him out : Rhus-t.
    足下に立って脅す stands at the foot menacing : Chlol.
    シーツを取り去ろうとする tries to take away the bed clothes : Bell.
    寝床の下 under it : Am-m., ars., bell., calc., canth., colch.
      ノックする knocking : Canth.

  裸の男性が自分とシーツに包まれている naked man is wrapped in the bedclothes with her : Puls.

  持ち上げられた raised, were : Canth.

眠る;目が覚めているが、~ていると主張する sleeping, while awake, insists that he was : Acon.

が柔らかくなった brain, has softening : Abrot., arg-n

ノコギリ;自分は巨大な~で、上下に動く saw, thought he was a huge, darting up and down : Cann-i

ノック;寝床の下で~ knocking under the bed (「妄想;音」参照)

;誰かが氷のように冷たい手で~をつかむ throat, someone with ice cold hands took her by the : Canth

飲む drinking : Bell

乗る;雄牛に riding on an ox : Bell.
   馬に a horse : Cann-i.


ドア:誰かが夜~にやって来る door, that someone was coming in at the, at night : Con

道化役のよう;自分 harlequin, as if he were a : Hyos.

動物の animals, of : Absin., aeth., ars., aur.,bell., calc., cham., cimic., cina., colch., con., crot-h.,hyos., lac-c., lyss., med., Op.,puls., sant., sec., stram., sulph., tarent., thuj.,valer.

   恐ろしい frightful : Bell., op., stram., tarent.
  カップの中で動く cup, in a, moving : Hyos.
  カブトムシやミミズなど beetles, worms, etc. : Ars., bell., stram.
  汚い unclean : Bell.
  暗い色 dark colored : Bell.

   黒い物が壁や家具の上に見える black, on walls and furniture, sees : Bell.
  グロテスク grotesque : Absin.
  地面から飛び出す jump out of the ground : Stram.
  通り過ぎる:前を passing before her : Thuj.
  飛びかかる jumping at her : Merc.
  ネズミ、虫など rats, mice, insects, etc. : Aeth., bell., cimic., med., stram.

  寝床の上に bed, on : Colch., plb., stram., valer.
    寝床の上で踊る dancing on the : Con.

  這う creeping of : Lac-c.
    体内を in her : Stram.

  腹の中に abdomen, are in : Thuj.
  火の中 fire, in the : Bell.
  人が persons are : Hyos., stram.

動物に食われた devoured, had been by animals : Hyos.

透明;~のように思える transparent, seemed to be : Cann-i.
  頭と鼻が head and nose are : Bell.
  世界中を through worlds : Ether.

:をもられたと思う poisoned, thought he had been : Cimic., hyos., plat-m.
~をもられそうになったと思う that he was about to be : Kali-br., plb., rhus-t.
  薬が~だ medicine being : Lach.

時計が打つのが聞こえる clock, hears strike : Ph-ac.

melting away, sensation of, worse from change, better in recumbent position : Sumb.

閉じ込められる;金網に encaged in wires : Cimic.

飛び跳ねる;自分の前であらゆる物が地面の上で jumped up on the ground before her, all sorts of things : Brom.

が見える birds, sees : Bell., kali-c., lac-c.
  羽をつついているのが that he is picking feathers from : Hyos.

泥棒;~を見る thieves, sees : Alum., ars., aur., bell., cupr., kali-c., mag-c., mag-m., merc., nat-c., nat-m., petr., phos., sil., verat., zinc.

   夜 night : Ars.
  家と寝床の下の空間に~がたくさんいる that house and space under bed are full of : Ars.
  家の中に house, in : Ars., cann-i., lach., merc., nat-m., sil., sol-t-ae.

  強盗の夢を見て、怖くて目が覚め、夢が本当だと思う dream of robbers is frightened on waking and thinks dream is true : Verat.

  強盗呼ばわりされた that he has been accused of robbing : Kali-br.

  夢の後、捜索するまでそうでないと信じないだろう after a dream, and will not believe the contrary until search is made : Nat-m.

飛んでいるような感覚 flying, sensation of : Asar., camph., cann-i., lach., oena, op.
  岩から暗闇の底に~、寝床に入る時 from a rock into dark abyss, on going to bed : Cann-i.


が大量の水のようにゴーゴーと湧き出る blood rushed through like roar of many waters : Cann-i.

小さい;物が現れる small, things appear(「 妄想;縮小」参照) : Aur., plat., stram.

  小さくなる感覚 sensation of being smaller : Acon.,agar.,calc.,carb-v.,sabad.,tarent.
    てんかんの発作前 before epileptic fit : Carb-v.
  物が小さくなる things grow smaller : Camph., carb-v., nit-ac.

誓い;自分の~を破る vow, that she is breaking her : Ign.

知識;自分は計り知れない~を持っていると思う knowledge, thought he possessed infinite : Cann-i.

;夜に生き物が~に這って入って来る vagina, living things creep into at night : Merc

窒息しそうだと思う、夜目が覚めて choked, thinks he is about to be, night on waking : Cann-i.

超人 superhuman, is : Cann-i.
    ~にコントロールされる control, under, is : Agar., anac., lach., naja., thuj.

腸チフス;自分は~にかかると思う typhoid fever, thought, he would have : Nat-p

チョウチョ butterflies, of : Bell., cann-i.

捕まえられるような caught, as if he would be : Bell.

つかまれたよう seized, as if : Canth.

;~が不誠実 wife is faithless : Hyos., stram.
  ~が自分から逃げるだろう will run away from him : Staph.

を犯しそうな crime about to commit a : Kali-br.
  まるで犯したかのよう as if he had committed : Alum., anac., carb-v., cycl., kali-br., sabad.

冷たい手によって by icy-cold hands : Canth.

;夜中に幻が自分を連れて行く hand, midnight vision of something taking her : Canth.

  繊細な手を感じ、頭をなでる felt a delicate, smoothing her head : Med.

   visions, of white, outspread, coming toward face in the darkness : Benz.

;皆が~ enemy, everyone is an : Merc., plat.

  ~に追いかけられている pursued by(「妄想;追いかけられる」参照)
  ~に囲まれている surrounded by : Anac., carb-s., crot-h., merc.
  寝床の下に under the bed, is : Am-m.

手品師:自分が~だと思う juggler, thinks himself a : Bell

てんかん;~になったと空想する epilepsy, fancies he has : Atro

天国いる heaven, is in : Cann-i., op

電車;やむをえず~で立ち去ったと思う railway train, thought he was obliged to go off by : Atro.


大混乱; 心理的な〜が起きたように思える maelstrom, seemed carried down a psychical : Cann-i

大将だと思う:自分が general, that he is a : Cupr

逮捕されそう arrested, is about to be : Arn., ars., bell., cupr., kali-br., meli., plb., zinc.

大理石の石像にような感じがする:自分が marble statue, felt as if he were : Cann-i.

倒れる;自分が前方に~ falling forward, that she is : Elaps.

  部屋の壁が内側に向かって;てんかんの発作前 inward, walls of room seem, before epileptic fit : Carb-v.
  壁 walls : Arg-n., cann-i.
  自分が~ that he is falling : Stram.

高い地位;自分は~の人間だと思う rank, thinks himself a person of : Cupr., phos., verat

助けを求める help, calling for : Plat

戦う;人が fighting, that people are : Op., stram

正しい;~事を全くしない right, does nothing : Anac., arg-n., aur., nat-c.

;体が~に小さすぎるとか、離れてしまったと空想する soul, fancied body was too small for, or that it was separated from : Anac., cann-i., thuj.

  man in the room intending to perforate his throat with a gimlet : Merc-i-f.

   首を吊った~を見た who hung himself, saw : Ars.
  自分がする事を全部する does all the things he does : Ars.
  通りを歩いている時、覆面の男が壁から飛び出す muffled, starts from the wall when walking in the streets : Cann-i.

  長い髭で、ゆがんだ顔の老人が見える old men with long beards and distorted faces, sees : Laur.
  裸の男性が寝床にいる naked man in bed : Puls.

  夜、男性が寝床にいたと思う thinks men are on the bed at night : Merc.
the same man walking after him that he sees walking before him : Eupho.


衰弱 emaciation : Sulph., thuj

姿が見える figures, sees : Bell., calc., carb-v., coca., cupr., hell., kali-c., kali-p., nat-c., nit-ac., nux-m., ph-ac., plb., sant., spong., tarent.

  巨大な gigantic : Atro.
  投げたビンにhurled bottle at : Chlol.
  大きく黒い~が自分に飛びかかりそう large black, about to spring on him : Mosch.
  夕方まどろんでいる間に空中で行進 marching in the air, evening while half asleep : Nat-c.

すす;自分に降って来て~を浴びる soot, shower of, fell on him : Cann-i

ストーブを木とまちがえる stove for a tree, mistakes : Hyos.

が高い;自分が~ような tall, as if h

生気がない物;人々は~ inanimate objects are persons : Bell., calc., nat-p., stram

成功できない、すべてうまく行かない succeed, that he cannot, does everything wrong : Anac., arg-n., nat-c.

精神異常になるだろう insane, that she will become : Acon., calc., cann-i., chel., Cimic., lil-t., manc., med., merc., nat-m., tanac.

  人が自分を~だと思う that people think her : Calc.

聖母マリア;自分は~だと思う Virgin Mary, thinks she is : Cann-i

脊柱が気圧計 spinal column a barometer : Cann-i

狭い;すべてが狭すぎに見える narrow, everything seems too : Guai., plat

責められていると思う accused, thinks she is : Laur., zinc

鮮明な vivid : Bell., calc., cham., hyos., lach., lyc., op., plb., puls., spong., stram.

せん妄状態になる事を、夜期待する delirious, at night, expected to become : Bry.
  自分がそうだと想像する imagines he was : Cann-i.

ソーダ水;自分が1本の~だと思う soda water, thinks he is a bottle of : Arg-n.

創造力がある creative power, has : Cann-i

ぞっとする途方もない想像 repulsive fantastic imaginations : Fl-ac.

卒中になるのではないかと思う apoplexy, thought he would have : Arg-m

存在;誰かがいる present, some one is(「妄想;人」参照) : Hyos., lyc., thuj.

存在;何かがあったかもと疑う existence, doubt if anything had : Agn.
  自分自身の存在を疑う doubted his own : Cann-i.


幸せ;自分の家にいて全く~でないだろう happy, that he will never be, in his own house : Ars.

視覚と聴覚 sight and hearing, of : Eup-pur.

叱る;義務を怠ると叱って当然である reproach, has neglected duty and deserves : Aur.

時間;~の誇張 time, exaggeration of (「時間」参照): Cann-i., cann-s., nux-m., onos.
  まだ早いと思う seems earlier : Sulph.

死刑執行人の幻 executioner, visions of an : Stram.

地獄の入り口で、自分の罪を告白させられる hell, at gate of, obliged to confess his sins : Agar.
  ~の影に;夜中に目が覚めて in shadows of, midnight, on waking : Cann-i.
  ~にいるis in : Camph., cann-i., merc.
  説明できず、苦しめられる suffers the torments of, without being able to explain : Merc.

仕事;一生懸命する work, is hard at : Rhus-t., verat.
  ~で邪魔される is hindered at : Chin.
  ~は自分を害するだろう will do him harm : Arg-n.

仕事;空想で働いている business, fancies is doing : Bell., bry., canth., cupr., phos.
  自分は仕事に合わない unfit for, that he is : Croc.
  普通に遂行していると思う thought they were pursuing ordinary : Ars., atro., bell., plb., stram.

施設に送られる asylum, that she will be sent to : Cench.

;木でできている tongue made of wood : Apis.
  引張り出す pulling out : Bell.
  眠りかかる時、~が雲に届くと思える seems to reach the clouds when going to sleep : Pic-ac.
    長すぎる too long : Aeth.

死体 corpses (「死人」参照)

死体;ひつぎの上 corpse on a bier : Anac., cann-i.
  いない知り合いの~がソファにあって恐い of absent acquaintance on sofa and has dread : Ars.
    死んだ兄(弟)と子供 dead brother and child : Con., plb.
    夫 husband : Plb.
    姉妹 sister : Agar.
    tall yellow, trying to share bed with him and promptly ejected : Bell

  自分自身が死んだ that he himself was dead : Anac., apis., camph., cann-i., lach., phos., stram.
    自分の子供が死んだ her child was dead : Kali-br.
    自分の母親が死んだ his mother is dead : Lach.

  切断された~ mutilated : Ant-c., arn., con., mag-m., merc., nux-v., sep.

失敗;すべて~するだろう fail, everything will : Act-sp., arg-n., aur., merc., nux-v., sil.

死ぬ;自分は死にかかっていると思う die, thought he was about to :Acon., arg-n., bar-c., cann-i., chel., croc..,cupr., kali-c., lac-d., nit-ac., nux-v., petr., podo., rhus-t., stram., thuj.

  while walking thinks he will have a fit or die, which makes him walk faster : Arg-n.
  死ぬ時が来た time has come to : Ars., bell., lach., sabad., thuj.
  死んで、すぐに解剖されるwould, and soon be dissected : Cann-i.

死んでいる;自分は~ dying, that he is : Cann-i., nux-v., rhus-t., stram.

死んだ;すべてが dead, everything is : Mez.
  死人:~が見える persons, sees : Agar., alum., am-c., anac., arg-n., arn., ars-i., ars., bar-c., bell., brom., bry., calc., canth., caust., cocc., con., fl-ac., graph., hep., hura., hyos., iod., kali-ar., kali-br., kali-c., kali-p., lach., laur., mag-c., mag-m.,nat-c., nat-m.,nat-p.,nit-ac., nux-v., op., ph-ac., phos., plat., plb., ran-s., sars.,sil., stry., sul-ac., sulph., thuj., verb., zinc.

     朝目が覚めて、その姿に驚く morning on waking, frightened by images of : Hep.
    夜中に目が覚めて midnight, on waking : Cann-i.
    all her friends are dead and she must go to a convent : Lac-d.

;離れ島にいる island, is on a distant : Phos

自慢げ proud : Plat., stram., verat

周囲が大きい surroundings, capacious, are : Ferr.

従事する;ある職業に engaged in some occupation, is : Acon., ars., atro., bell., cann-i., cupr., hyos., lyss., plb., rhus-t., stram., verat.

  普通の職業に in ordinary occupation : Ars., atro., bell., plb., stram.

修道院へ行かねばならないだろうと思う convent, thinks she will have to go to a : Lac-d

重力がない weight, has no : Cann-i., op.

縮小する diminished : Cann-i., cinnam., grat., lac-c., sabad., sulph.
  小さい small : Grat.
  縮まる;部分的にshrunken, parts are : Sabad.
  全身が whole body is : Agar.
  左半身の方が小さい left side of body is smaller : Cinnam.
  腹部が落ち込んでいる abdomen has fallen in : Sabad.
  部屋の物全て~し、自分は背が高くなる everything in room, is while she is tall and elevated : Plat.
  細くもある thin, is too : Thuj.
  短い short : Lac-c.

出血後 hæmorrhage, after : Chin-a

授乳していた;自分の子に〜 nursing her child, that she was : Atro

使用人;~を解雇しなければならないと思う servants, thinks he must get rid of : Fl-ac.

上昇する;空中で elevated in air : Nitro-o.
  高度まで運ばれる carried to an elevation : Oena.
  寝床が上昇する bed were raised : Canth.

障害がある:身体に disabled, that she is : Cit-

消滅に陥りそう annihilation, about to sink into : Cann-i., carb-h.

女王だと思う;自分は queen, thinks she is : Cann-i.

女性;実家がわいせつな~に占領されたと空想する women, fancies his mother’s house is invaded by lewd : Kali-br.

  女は悪魔で自分の魂を傷つけるだろう evil, are, and will injure his soul : Puls.
  老齢で皺がよった~の幻 illusions of old and wrinkled : Calc-sil., cann-i.

シリンダーのように見える cylinder, seemed to be a : Cann-i

や宮殿が見える castles and palaces, sees : Plb.

心身分離 mind and body separated : Anac., thuj.

人生;過去の出来事はすべて車輪の上を速く回る象徴life, symbols of, all past events revolve rapidly on wheels : Cann-i.
  脅かされる is threatened : Kali-br.

心臓疾患にかかって死ぬだろう heart diseases, is going to have, and die : Lac-c.
  大きすぎる too large : Lach.

神秘的;周りのすべてがぞっとするほど~ mystery, everything around seemed a terrifying : Cann-i.

新聞を見たと思う newspapers, thinks he sees : Atro.

信頼;友人が自分に対する~を全くなくした confidence in him, his friends have lost all : Aur., hura


催眠術にかけられる;不在の牧師に mesmerized, that she is, by her absent pastor : Meli

、ハエなど fishes, flies, etc. : Bell., stram

叫ぶ;自分が~でいると空想する shouting, fancies himself to be : Cann-i.

刺す;通りで自分を抜かした人を刺した stabbed, that he had, a person who passed him on the street : Bell.

サソリが見える scorpions, sees : Op

さまよう;草原を roaming in the fields : Rhus-t

触る;何でも~ touching everything : Bell

3人;自分は~の人間だ three persons, that he is : Nux-m.