
  trees seem to be people in fantastic costume, afternoon, while riding : Bell.

消える;すべてが消えるように思える vanish, seems as if everything would : Lyc.

機械;~で働いていると思う machine, thinks he is working a : Plb

汽車;自分が~だと想像する locomotive, imagines himself to be : Cann-i.

危険;~な感じdanger, impression of : Fl-ac., kali-br., stram., valer.
  生命の~ to his life : Plb.
    自分の家族から from his family : Kali-br

聞こえないと思う hear, he thinks he cannot : Mosch., verat.

汚い;自分は~ dirty, that he is : Lac-c., lycps., rhus-t.
  汚い物を食べる eating dirt : Verat.
  すべてが~ everything is, that : Cur.

キノコ;ひざまずいて罪を告白させられ、~で腹を引きちぎられた、と空想する mushrooms, fancies he is commanded to fall on his knees and confess his sins and rip up his bowels by a : Agar.

球体;自分は~だと思う sphere, thought himself a : Cann-i.

キュウリが寝床に見える cucumbers, sees on the bed : Bell.

教会の庭;~を訪ねる churchyard, visits a : Anac., arn., bell., stram.
  ~で踊っている that he is dancing in : Stram.

兄弟が目の前で船外に落ちる brother fell overboard in her sight : Kali-br.

巨人が見える giants, sees : Bell.

切り裂かれたよう cut through, as if he were : Stram.
  2つに in two : Plat.

キリスト;自分は~だと思う Christ, thinks himself to be : Cann-i.

キリンだと想像する:自分が giraffe, imagines himself to be a : Cann-i.


骸骨が見える skeletons, sees : Crot-c., op.

害虫;~が這い回っているのが見える vermin, sees crawl about : Alum., am-c., ars., bov., kali-c., mur-ac., nux-v., phos., ran-s., sil.
  自分の寝床が~で覆われている his bed is covered with : Ars.

回転する spinning, is : Hyos., stram.

怪物;恐ろしい~の幻覚 monsters, visions of horrible (妄想の『幻」「お化け」参照)

解剖されるだろう dissected, that he will be : Cann-i.

買い物;姉妹といっしょに~する shopping with her sister : Atro. 


顔が見える faces, sees : Ambr., apis., arg-n., ars., aur., Bell., calc-sil., calc., cann-i., carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham., cupr., lac-c., laur., med., merc., nux-v., Op., phos., samb., stry., sulph., tarent.

  悪魔のような顔が迫って来る diabolical, crowd upon him : Ambr., carb-an., caust., tarent

  足を踏んでいる時 stooping, when : Nat-m.

  大きく成長した顔 grows larger : Acon., aur.

  おぞましい顔 hideous : Ambr., bell., calc-sil., Calc., cann-i., carb-an., caust., lac-c., merc., nux-v., Op., stry., tarent.

  暗闇の中 dark, in the : Chin., Lac-c.

  滑稽な顔 ridiculous : Cann-i.

どこに目を向けても、または角から見ている wherever he turns his eyes, or looking out from corners : Aur., med.,phos.

  引き延ばした顔 elongated, it : Stram.

  醜い顔が楽しんでいるように見える ugly faces seem pleasing : Cann-i.

 目を閉じると closing eyes, on : Aeth., arg-n., ars., Bell., bry., Calc., carb-v., caust., chin., euphr., op., samb., sulph., tarent.

 目立つ人の顔 distinguished people of : Cann-i.

 ゆがんだ顔が昼間に 横になって distorted day, on lying down : Ambr., arg-n., cupr., laur.


家具が人だと想像:夜目が覚めて furniture, imagines it to be persons, night on waking:Nat-p.

拡大;通行人が大きくなっていたと思う expanding, thought passers-by were : Cann-i.

過去の出来事 past, of events long : Atro.

囲まれる;友人に surrounded by friends, is : Bell., cann-i.

家族が自分に属していない family, does not belong to her own : Plat.

家族に属していない belong to her own family, does not : Plat.

;夜目が覚めて、長さ9インチ見え、反対側で寝るとよくなる numeral, appeared nine inches long, night on waking, better lying on other side : Sulph.

;~が煙突の中で、巨大な車輪のようにブンブンため息のような音をたて、グランド・オルガンに落ちた雷の轟のようにこだまする wind sighing in chimney sounded like the hum of a vast wheel, and reverberated like a peal of thunder on a grand organ : Cann-i.

;人が自分の肩越しに見ていると思う shoulder, thinks people are looking over his : Brom.

片側;~は生きていて、もう~は埋められていると想像する side, imagined himself alive on one side and buried on the other : Stram.
  左側がない that she did not own her left : Sil

が頭上にぶら下がる sword hanging over head : Am-m.were : Cop., stram.
  とても~と空想する fancies herself very : Stram.
  目が覚める間伸びた had grown while walking : Pall.
物がもっと高くなる things grow taller : Camph., dros., kreos., nit-ac., sulph.

ガチョウ:自分は goose, that he is a : Con.

ガチョウ:自分は~だと思って水に飛び込む geese, threw themselves into water, thinking themselves to be : Con.
  見える sees : Hyos.

活動的 active : Bell., hyos., stram.

;何かが~から出て来るのが見える corner, sees something coming out of : Phos.

  corners of houses seem to project so that he fears he will run against them while walking in the street : Arg-n.

金網;~にひっかかる wires, is caught in : Cimic.
  悲しみ;会う人は誰でも秘密の~があると思う sorrow, thinks everyone he meets has a secret : Cann-i.
  カニ crabs, of : Hyos.
  壁;高い~に囲まれている walls, is surrounded by high : Cann-i.
  神;自分は~だと思う divine, thinks he is : Cann-i., stram.
  神;神の復讐の対象 god, is the object of god’s vengeance : Kali-br.
    神と通信していると that he is in communication with : Stram., verat.
  カメ;大きい~が部屋に見える turtles, sees large, in room : Bell.

; 夜、半分目が覚めている間 、~が羊毛袋にくっついている 
  body adherent to woollen sack, night, while half awake : Coc-c.
  偉大さについて greatness of, as to : Cann-i., plat., staph.
  覆う;地球全部 covered the whole earth : Cann-i.
     寝床全体 the whole bed : Pyrog.
  お菓子でできた sweets, is made of : Merc.
  片側は生きて反対側は埋められている alive on one side, buried on the other : Stram.
  軽い;空気より lighter than air : Lach., op., thuj.
  腐るだろう putrefy, will : Ars., bell.
  黒いような気がする black, as if it were : Sulph.
  壊れやすい brittle, is : Thuj.
  3倍の大きさ threefold, has a : Ars., petr.
  死体のように縮まる shrunken, like the dead : Sabad.
  繊細 delicate : Thuj.
  茶色の斑点のよう spotted brown, as if : Bell.
  バラバラになる;ベッドの周りで~、組み合わせるため翻弄する scattered about bed, tossed about to get the pieces together : Bapt., petr., phos.
  細い thin, is : Thuj.
  間違った考え;自分の体の状態に関し erroneous ideas as to the state of his : Sabad.
  股の間に沈むだろう would sink down between the thighs : Bell.
  分かれた divided : Cann-i., petr., sil.

ガラスでできている;自分が glass, that she is made of : Thuj.

金持ちである;自分は rich, that he is(「妄想;裕福」参照)

変わる;突然 changing suddenly : Cann-i.

変わった;何もかも変わってしまったと思うchanged, thinks everything(「変な」参照 ) : Arg-n., bar-m., carb-an., plat.

にかかっている cancer, has a : Verat.

感覚;誤っている sensations, misrepresents his : Bell.

感謝されていない appreciated, that she is not : Pall., plat.


追いかけられていると思う pursued, thought he was(「妄想;迫害」参照) : Absin., anac., ars., bell., bry., kali-br., plb., rhus-t., staph., stram.

  警察に police, by : Bell., cupr., hyos., kali-br., meli., phos., plb., zinc.
  殺人鬼、強盗に murderers, robbers, by : Alco.
  敵に enemies, by : Absin., anac., ars., aur., bell., chin., cic., con., crot-h., cupr., dros., hell., hyos., kali-br., lach., lepi.,lyc., meli., merc., nat-c., plb., puls., rhus-t., sil., stram., stry., zinc.
  何か恐ろしい物に some horrid thing : Anac.
  兵士に soldiers, by : Absin., bell., bry., plb.
  友人に friends, by : Plb.
  幽霊に ghosts, by : Lepi., plat., stram.

王子である prince, is a : Verat.

オオカミ wolves, of : Bell., stram.

大きい;目眩の間に人があまりにも大きく見える large, people seemed too, during vertigo (「妄想;大きくなる」参照) : Caust.
  体の部分が大きすぎに見える parts of body seem too : Alum., hyos., op., pic-ac., stram.
  自分自身が大きすぎに見える self seemed too : Pyrog., stram.
    散歩の後に家に入って on entering the house after walking : Plat.
  周囲が~見える surroundings seemed : Ferr.

大きくなる enlarged : Acon., alum., bell., berb., Cann-i., coc-c., eupho., glon., laur., nat-c., nux-v., op., pic-ac., plat., sabad., stram., zinc

   顎が chin is : Glon.
  頭が head is : Acon., cann-i., kali-ar., zinc.
  陰嚢が腫れている scrotum is swollen : Sabad.
  片足の方が長い one leg is longer : Cann-i.
  体の部分が body parts of : Alum., hyos., op., pic-ac., stram.
  距離が distances are : Camph., Cann-i., cann-s., glon., nux-m., stann.
  人が persons are : Cann-i., caust.
  非常に高く tall, very, is : Op., pall., plat., stram.
  目が eyes are : Bell., op.
  まつ毛が eye-lashes are : Cann-i.
  物が objects are : Cann-i.

大ネズミが見える rats, sees : Aeth., ars., bell., calc., cimic., med., stram.
  あらゆる色の of all colors : Absin.
  部屋を走り回っている running across the room : Aeth., ail., ars., cimic., med.

お金;数えているかのように money, as if counting : Alum., bell., cycl., mag-c., zinc.
  服に縫い付けている sewed up in clothing, is : Kali-br.
  ~の事を話す talks of : Calc., carb-s.

臆病;人が自分を見捨てと思う cowards, thinks persons leaving him to be : Cann-i

起こる;何か恐ろしい事が~ happen, that something terrible is going to : Lyss

恐ろしい frightful (「妄想:イメージ」と「妄想:幻」参照)

落ちる;物が~かのようfall, as if things would : Hyos., stram.

;自分の~ではないと思う husband, thinks he is not her : Anac.

;想像で聞く sounds, listens to imaginary : Hyos.

音が聞こえる noise, hears : Bell., calc., carb-v., cham., colch., con., hyos., mag-m.
  叫び声や車の~ of shout, vehicles : Cann-i.
  眠ると寝床の上でガタガタと音がするclattering above the bed when falling asleep : Calc.
  寝床の下をノックする knocking under bed : Calc., canth.

inferior, on entering house after a walk, people seem mentally and physically : Plat.

踊る好色家と、うなずく役人 dancing satyres and nodding mandarins : Cann-i.

お化け、幽霊、霊魂が見える spectres, ghosts, spirits, sees : Agar., alum., am-c.,ambr.,ant-t., ars., atro., aur., Bell., bov., camph., carb-v., cocc., cupr., dulc., hell., hep., hura.,hyos., hyper., ign., kali-c., lach., lepi., lyc., merc., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., op., phys., plat., puls., sars., sep., sil., spig., stram., sulph., tarent., thuj., zinc.

   日夜 day and night : Ars.
  朝目が覚めてmorning on waking, continues to enlarge until it disappears : Dulc.
  晩~が現れるような感じがする evening, feels as if spectre would appear : Brom.
  追いかけられる pursued by, is : Lepi., stram.
  巨大な黒い骸骨の死んだ~ death of, as a gigantic black skeleton : Crot-c.
  空中に浮かんだ hovering in the air : Aur.
  寒気の間 chill, during : Nit-ac.
  捕まえようとする clutches, at : Hyos.
  火の中に fire, in : Bell.
  黄昏に twilight, in : Berb.
  目が覚めて waking, on : Dulc., zinc.
  目を閉じて closing eyes, on : Apis., arg-n., bell., bry., calc., chin., ign., lach., led., nat-m., samb., sep., spong., stram., sulph., thuj.
  夢で黒い姿 black forms when dreaming : Arn., ars., puls.

重い heavy, is : Nat-c., thuj.

おもちゃ;~で遊んでいると空想する toys, fancied himself playing with : Atro.
  物が~のように魅力的に見える object seemed as attractive as : Cic.

泳ぐ swimming, is : Cann-i., rhus-t.

音楽;空想で聞こえる music, fancies he hears : Cann-i., croc., lach., lyc., plb., puls., sal-ac., stram., thuj.
  夕方に日中聞いた音楽が聞こえる evening, hears the music heard in the day : Lyc.
  甘く高まるメロディ sweetest and sublimest melody : Cann-i., lach.
  この世のものとは思えない unearthly : Ether.
  楽しい delightful : Lach., plb., puls.


影響;強い影響下にいる influence, is under a powerful : Cere-b., lach.

fluid, ethereal surrounded by, resisting passage : Cann-i. 

縁を切る;親戚に縁を切られていると思う repudiated by relatives, thinks is : Arg-n., hura.


飢える;家族が~だろうstarve, family will(「妄想;貧乏」参照) : Ars., sep., staph.
    自分が~に違いない he must : Kali-chl.

浮かぶ;空中に floating in air(「目眩;浮かぶ」参照): Asar., cann-i., canth., hura., kali-br., lach., nux-m., phos.
   晩 evening : Bell.
   歩いている間 walking, while : Asar.
   寝床が~につり下げられている bed, suspended in : Bell., stram.
     寝床で休んでいない is not resting in : Lach., stict.

  move, hears things that are high up near him out of sight : Ph-ac.

ウサギが見える rabbits, sees : Stram.

後ろに誰かがいる behind him, that some one is (「人」参照)

;自分が言った事はすべて嘘だと思う lie, thinks all she said is a lie : Lac-c. 

歌う;自分が~ていると空想する singing, fancied himself to be : Cann-i.

撃つ;杖で撃とうとする shoot, tries to, with a cane : Merc. 

移す;別の部屋へ~された transferred to another room : Coloc.
   別の世界へ to another world : Cann-i.

美しい beautiful : Bell., cann-i., coca., lach., sulph.
  尿意後、すべてが美しく見える micturition, after, all things seem : Eug.
  風景 landscape : Coff., lach.
  ボロ切れさえ美しく見える rags seem, even : Sulph.

が体に縛りつく arms are bound to her body : Cimic.
  3本ある that she has three : Petr.
  自分の物でない do not belong to her : Agar.
  寝ようとする時に、雲まで届く reach the clouds when going to sleep : Pic-ac.

うなり声;クマの growling, as of a bear : Mag-m

が見える horses, sees : Bell., mag-m., zinc.
  馬の背中に乗っている is on horseback : Cann-i.

  born, feels as if newly, into the world and was overwhelmed with wonder at the novelty of his surroundings : Cor-r.

うめき声;空想で聞こえる groans, fancies he hears : Crot-c.

売られる;まるで~よう sold, as if would be : Hyos.
  誰かが自分の寝床を売った his bed, some one has : Nux-v.

がなくなる fortune, that he was going to lose his : Psor., staph.


;~の消耗があると思うstomach, thinks has corrosion of : Ign., sabad.


~にいないのに、~にいると思うhome, thinks is at, when not : Cann-i., hyos.
  ~のすべてが変わってしまった everything at, as changed : Arg-n.
  ~から遠く離れていると思う think is away from : Acon., bell., Bry., calc., cic., coff., hyos., lach., meli., op., rhus-t., valer., verat., vip.


家は人で一杯 house is full of people : Ars., cann-i., con., lach., lyc., merc., nat-m., nux-v., sil., stram.
  動かせるように思える seems movable : Cann-i.
  囲まれている surrounded, is : Stram.
  not in right place, while walking in the street after headache : Glon.


家の両側が近づいて自分は潰させるだろう houses on each side would approach and crush him : Arg-n.


意識;別の~に属している consciousness, belongs to another : Alum.


医者;3人の~が来ていると思った doctors, thought three were coming : Sep.


椅子が上がっている chair is rising up : Phos.


椅子;古い~を修理していると思う chairs, thinks he is repairing old : Cupr.


偉大な人物 great person, is : Aeth., agar., bell., cann-i., cupr., lyss., phos., plat., sulph., verat.


が見える dogs, sees : Aeth., arn., Bell.,calc.,lyc., merc., puls., sil., stram., sulph.,verat., zinc.
  黒い black : Bell.
  自分に襲いかかる attack him : Stram.
  周りに群がる swarm about him : Bell., stram.
  胸を咬む biting his chest : Stram.


いぼ;自分は~があると思う warts, thinks he has : Mez.


イメージ、幻影が見える images, phantoms, sees (妄想の「顔」「姿」「男性」「お化け」「幻」参照) : Acon., ambr., apis., arg-n., ars., bar-c., Bell., berb., brom., calc-s., calc., camph., canth., carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham., chin-a., chin., cic., coca., crot-h., cupr., dros., dulc., graph., hell., hep., hyos., ign., kali-ar., kali-br., kali-c., kali-p., Lach., led., lyc., merc., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., op., ph-ac., phos., plat., puls., rhus-t., samb., sep., sil., spong., stram., sulph., tab., tarent., thuj., verat., zinc.

  午後 afternoon : Lyc.
  晩 evening : Calc., lyc., nit-ac.
    寝床で in bed : Nit-ac.
  夜 night : Acon., ambr., arg-n., arn., bell., berb., calc., camph., canth., carb-an., carb-v., cham., chin., crot-h., cupr., cur., graph., ign., kali-br., kali-c., led., lyc., merc., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., op., phos., puls., sep., sil., spong., tab., thuj., valer., zinc.

   恐ろしい  frightful : Ambr., anac., arg-n., arn., ars., atro., bar-c., bell., calc-s., Calc., camph., carb-an., carb-v., caust., chin-a., chin., coca., con., croc., gels., graph., hep., hyos., ign., kali-ar., kali-br., kali-c., kali-p., lac-c., lach., laur., lyc., mang., merc., mur-ac., nat-c., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., op., petr., ph-ac., phos., puls., rhod., rhus-t., samb., sars., sec., sil., spong., stram., sulph.,  tab., tarent.
    夜、寝ようとしている間  night, while trying to sleep : Calc-s.

過去から現在まで past to present : Mur-ac.
  壁の上にwall, on the : Lyc., samb.
  くよくよ考える dwells upon : Arn., nux-m., sil.
  暗闇で dark, in the : Bell., carb-v., hell., petr., puls., stram.
  黒色 black : Arn., ars., bell., caust., op., plat., puls., Stram.
  地から出て来る  rising out of the earth : Stram.
  そばに  side, at his : Stram.
  楽しい  pleasant : Cann-i., cycl., lach.
  どこにでも見える  sees, all over : Merc., sil.

寝る前に  sleep, before : Carb-an., merc., nit-ac., sep.
      眠りつつ  on going to : Chin.
      睡眠中 during : Lyc.
      寝させない preventing : Alum., arg-n., lyc., op., tab.

一人の時 alone, when : Fl-ac., lach.
  変化が激しい everchanging: Carb-o.

目を閉じて closing the eyes, on : Arg-n., bell., Calc., caust., graph., puls., samb., sep., sil., sulph., tarent., thuj.
    寝床で in bed : Cupr., samb., sulph.


インクスタンド;寝床の上に見たと空想する inkstand, fancied he saw one on bed : Lact.
    自分は~だと空想する fancied he was one : Cann-i.


陰嚢;腫れていると思う scrotum, thinks his, is swollen : Sabad.


陰謀;家主の請求書は、父に対する~と思う conspiracies against her father, thought the landlord’s bills were : Kali-br.
    自分に対する~があった against him, there were : Ars., lach., plb


アイデンティティ:個人としての~を誤る identity, errors of personal : Alum., ant-c., bapt., cann-s., lac-c., lach., petr.,phos., plb., pyrus., stram., thuj., valer.
  自分が誰か他の人だと思う thinks she is some one else : Cann-s., gels., lach., phos., plb., valer.

赤ん坊が2人寝床にいる babies, are two in bed : Petr.

悪魔が見える devils, sees : Ambr., anac., ars., bell., cann-i., cupr., dulc., hell., hyos., kali-c., lach., nat-c., op., plat., puls., stram., sulph., zinc.
  悪魔に取り付かれている possessed of a, is : Hyos.
    みんなが that everyone is : Meli.
  悪魔がいる present, are : Anac., cann-i., op., phos., Plat.
  みんなが悪魔だ that all persons are : Plat.
    自分が he is a : Anac., camph., cann-i., kali-br., stram.
    悪魔に連れ去られるだろう he will be taken by the devil : Manc.

が長すぎる chin, too long, is : Glon.

;~が階段のじゅうたん押さえで一杯になったブリキのケース leg, tin case filled with stair rods, is : Cann-i.

;〜が逆 legs, conversing, are : Bapt.
  切り離されている cut off, are : Bar-c., stram., tarent.
  3本ある three, has : Petr.
  自分のではない don’t belong to her : Agar.
  長すぎる too long : Cann-i.

足音が聞こえるfootsteps, hears : Canth., carb-v., crot-c., nat-p.
  隣の部屋に in next room : Nat-p.
  背後に behind him : Crot-c.

足の指が切断された toes cut off : Mosch.

が他に属する head belongs to another : Ther.
  大きすぎるように見える large, seems too : Acon.
    晩、目を閉じると頭がゆがむ heads, make grimaces evening on closing eyes : Euphr. 
  重すぎるように思える heavy, his own seemed too : Bry.
  怪物のような~;部屋の向こう側の壁に monstrous, on distant wall of room : Cann-i.
  死んだ親戚の頭:夜、体はない deceased acquaintances, of, without bodies, at night : Nux-v.
  冷たいそよ風が~に吹く cold breeze blows on : Petr.
  透明で斑点がある茶色 transparent and speckled brown : Bell.
  外す事ができる can lift it off : Ther.
  病気が~から起きるだろうと思う thinks disease will break out of : Stram.
  2つあると思う two, thinks she has : Nux-m
  振り子が反転して揺れる pendulum, seems an inverted, oscillating : Cann-i.
  友人の頭がビンの外にひっついて見える sees friend’s, stick out of a bottle : Bell.
  揺する shaking the : Bell., cham.

新しい;すべてが~ new, everything is : Stram.

暑さ;激しい~があり、みぞおちから放射している heat, has a furious, radiating from epigastrium : Cann-i.

;巨大な穴の幻覚 hall, illusions of a gigantic hall : Cann-i.

;小さい~が、恐ろしい割れ目のように映る hole, small, appears like a frightful chasm : Agar.

あの世にいた eternity, that he was in : Cann-i.

;頭上に濡れた布があるので、~の中外にいたと思う rain, from having wet cloth on head, thought he had been out in : Atro.

洗う washing, of : Bell.

アリ;寝床にたくさんいるように見える ants, bed seems full of : Plb.

歩く;歩けない、走るか跳ばなければならない walk, cannot walk, must run or hop : Apis., hell!
 空想;歩けないfancies he cannot : Ign.
  自分の前を歩いているのを見た人が、後ろを歩いているのが見える he sees the same one walking after him that he sees walking before him : Eupho.
   誰かがそばを歩く some one walks beside him : Calc
    後ろを behind him : Crot-c.
   膝で歩く that he walks on his knees : Bar-c., bar-m.

暗号が見える ciphers, sees : Ph-ac., phos., sulph.




































妄想、想像、幻覚、錯覚 DELUSIONS, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions : Absin., acon., aeth., agar., ambr., anac., anan., ant-c., apis., arg-m., Arg-n., ars-i., ars., aur-m., aur., bapt., bar-c., Bell., bry., calc-s., calc., camph., Cann-i., cann-s., canth., carb-an.,carb-v., caust., cench., chin-a., chin., cic., cimic., cina., Cocc., coff., colch., con., croc., crot-h., dulc., elaps., eup-pur., fl-ac., glon., gran., hell., hura., Hyos., Ign., iod., kali-ar., kali-p., lac-c., Lach., led., lyc., lyss., mag-m., med., merc., mur-ac., nat-p., nit-ac.,nux-v., op., Petr., Ph-ac., phos., plat., plb., psor., puls., rhus-t., Sabad., samb., sec., sep., sil., spong., stann., staph., Stram., Sulph., tarent., ther., thuj., valer., verat., verb., viol-o., zinc.

   夜 night : Chin-a., merc.
  午後;いつも~ afternoon, that it is always : Lach., stann.



見知らぬ人がいると strangers, in the presence of : Carb-v., stram.

の流れから of rushing water : Lyss., Stram.

身震いと共に shuddering, with : Bell., calc., carb-v., nat-c., plat., puls., tab., verat

無関心さと交互に alternating with indifference : Nat-m.

目が覚めてから waking, on : Acon., agar., alum., am-c., am-m., arg-n., arn., Ars., aster., bapt., bell., bism., bor., bufo., cact., calc-s., calc., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., chin-a., chin., cina., cocc., con., cub., dig., dros., graph., hep., ign., ip., iris., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., Lach., lept., lyc., mag-c., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., ph-ac., phos., plat., puls., rat., rhus-t., samb., sep., sil., sol-t-ae., spong., squil., stram., sulph., thuj., zinc.

目を使い過ぎて exertion of eyes : Sep.

目を閉じて closing eyes, on : Calc., Carb-v., mag-m.

沐浴:足の〜後 bathing the feet, after : Nat-c.


約束を予期して anticipating an engagement :Arg-n., gels., med.

夜食後 supper, after : Mag-c., nux-v.

夕食中 dinner, during : Mag-m.
  夕食後 after : Ambr., canth., gins., hyos., nat-m., phos., sil., verat.
    改善 amel. : Sulph.

;怖くて歩いている dreams, on waking from frightful(「睡眠;夢」参照() : Ars., chin., graph., nat-m., nicc., puls.

横になっている間 lying, while : Ars., calc-s., carb-v., cench., nux-v., puls., sil., spong., stann.
   改善 amel. : Mang.

   横にならねばならない;苦痛を伴う must lie down with anguish : Mez., ph-ac., phel.

   横になる方向で side, on : Bar-c., kali-c., puls.
      右、鼓腸からright, from flatulence : Kali-c.
      左 left : Bar-c., Phos.,puls.

夜ふかしから night watching, from : Caust., cocc., cupr., Nit-ac.


良心の(まるで罪を犯したかのように)conscience, of (as if guilty of a crime) : Alum., am-c., Ars., Aur., cact., canth., carb-s., carb-v., caust., Chel., cina., cocc., coff., con., cupr., cycl., Dig., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., graph., hyos., ign., mag-s., med., merc., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., phos., Psor., puls., rheum., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., sil., stront., sulph., thuj., verat., zinc