Brain Update is developed by Mr. Shinji Tanaka who is one of leading Japanese Kinesiologists. His method is based on how to live the life. We have got our life to live with our own axis not by other`s axis. There is answers not in others, but in ourselves.
The core of his session is based on what kind of ambition of life to go towards your destiny. Huge number of his session scenery videos are posted on YouTube. He has been conducting his unique online coaching since 2018, and quite many evidences of effects by the online sessions has been witnessed as similar as real session.
Music heals our mind. So as the frequency of tuning forks which fit to the theme of the stress. They can tune our body and mind. The sound and frequency can cancell the noise of our body and mind, which helps them into harmonized state.
Dr. Hans Jenny from Basel, Switzerland has proved the sound effect phenomena. His work demonstrates positive proof of the amazing power of sound to create form. The structures and objects created by the sound are like the pattern of zebra, insects, spiritual motives, etc.
In my session, if your body tells the healing method of tuning forks, I use Chinese 5 elements Tuning forks (NICHION), Soler harmonic spectrum (BIO SONIC), Fibonacci (BIO SONIC), Angel tuner (BIO SONIC), Planetary tuners (BIO SONIC), or DNA tuner 528Hz.(Arno Barthelmes).
This is unique Kinesiology with aroma, which works on the sense of smell, that is the closest to the brain. Café Kinesilogy is sytematized by Dr. Honma (L.A.) who is Japanese chiropractic doctor and Ms. Yukari Hoshi who is Japanese acupuncture therapist and aroma developper. The aroma is supplied by Little Tree co.. The fregrance of aromas which relate to the meridian and chakras will adjust the blocked parts, and harmonize your body and mind which are suffured from stress.
Please accept that aroma method is not available by online session.
Touch for Health method has been developed in USA by Dr.John Thie, a
chiropractic doctor. He made easy method for anyone to make harmony of
your body and mind by touching some certain points of your body, which
connect to Chinese meridian, neurolymphatic massage points,
neurovascular holding points, and emotion according to Chinese medicine.
Touch for Health has spreaded all over world to support the health of
body and mind.
This easy simple method would help to balance the energy, develop your vitality, enhance your healing and recovery, and release your emotional or mental stress.
Kinesiology is found by Dr. Goodheart in 1964, who is chiropractic doctor. He made the first correlation between finding a weak muscle using manual muscle testing and then employing chiropractic therapy to make it stronger. It is called Applied Kinesiology.
By the develop of Kinesiology, it was found that certain muscles connect to the Chinese meridian line. Also the study of brain has developed a lot, and it was found that neurolymphatic points, neurovascular points, etc. which also connect to merdian line. Again old deep knowledge of Chinese medicine shows emotions which have relationship with meridian. For example, the wood element contain lever meridian and gallbladder, which connects to certain emotion and mind as anger, rage, guit feeling, developmet, forgiving, etc. Thus by the development of Kinesiology, it has been proved that the related emotion or mind influence on your body, when you can not hold certaion muscle which connect with meridians. By adding the method of emotion or mental metaphor, memory, etc., the more effect has been expected to release the stress of body, mind, and emotion.
For instance, guess that you have a complaint that you can not hear well. By the muscle test, your muscle shows that the fight between your parents when you were 10 years old, and you might understand it. And by more muscle tests, you may realize your emotion and mind as “I was very scared to be abandoned.” ” I feared just the voice of my father”, etc. You did not realize that emotion or mind that time, or you might have suppressed that feeling, but NOW during the session you aware it. To AWARE is very inportant. The emotion / mind pattern which was turning around in your back part of the brain will change into positive pattern by the support of certain touch, certain movement of body, the sound and waves of the tuning forks, aroma, etc. Step by step, the tungled string of stress would loose, inner child becomes adult, relax yourself, and harmony of your body and mind will come back.
I often feel negative, depressed Very fearfulI, but I do not know why. I can not have good relationship. I feel stress in my work I can not concentrate
When you feel disorder of your body,
it is telling you that something is in disharmony.
It is said that 80% of disorders connect with emotion
and mind.
Also it might come from disharmony of brain system.
When you are not true yourself,
this kind of disharmony state happens.
If you live your life with harmonized true yourself,
you will lead happy life.
So it is very natural way to heal not only your body,
but also your mind and emotion.
In the session, at first I counsel your stress, set the goal for your life, then use some methods of Kinesiology, show you certain massage points, meridian lines, movements of body, listen to the sound of tuning forks, make certain imaging, and so on. In some cases, some advice of diet, certain movement of body will be given.